This project was created as my introduction to React and it's interaction with APIs As of the first commit it is a simple, single component web app for reading the bible. The app makes use of the https://scripture.api.bible/ web api for getting the content.
##The next steps are to :
- Split out the test.js components into multiple components and manage the state from the main component - DONE
- Add feedback when a chapter is selected - DONE
- Split the left pane into 2 columns and possibly have an OT/NT button so the side pane list is not so long
- Add in Next and Previous chapter Buttons
- Improve the styling of the page.
The state should maintain the following:
- A list of books of the bible - bookList
- The currently selected Book - currBook
- The currently selected chapter - currChap
###Components The app will be broken up into several components.
- The Side bar with the Books of the bible (BookPane)
- This component should make an API call to get the list of books when the componenet loads
- It should set the state of the bookList -It should set the state of the currBook by making an API call when any of the buttons are clicked
- Scripture Pane (ScripPaneText)
- This component will require the currBook when the user clicks on it in the Side Bar Component
- the currBook.name should be displayed in the card Header section
- For the current book it should provide a list of the chapter numbers
- When the user clicks on a chapter the currChap state property should be updated
- The appropriate text should then be loaded from the this.props.currChap.content prop
- the App.js Main component that will assemble the various other componenets.