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Latest ydb-go-sdk develops in


YDB API client written in Go.


Table of contents

  1. Overview
  2. About semantic versioning
  3. Prerequisites
  4. Installation
  5. Usage
  6. Credentials
  7. Generating code
  8. Examples


Currently package ydb provides scheme and table API client implementations for YDB.

About semantic versioning

We follow the SemVer 2.0.0. In particular, we provide backward compatibility in the MAJOR releases. New features without loss of backward compatibility appear on the MINOR release. In the minor version, the patch number starts from 0. Bug fixes and internal changes are released with the third digit (PATCH) in the version.

There are, however, some changes with the loss of backward compatibility that we consider to be MINOR:

  • extension or modification of internal ydb-go-sdk interfaces. We understand that this will break the compatibility of custom implementations of the ydb-go-sdk internal interfaces. But we believe that the internal interfaces of ydb-go-sdk are implemented well enough that they do not require custom implementation. We are working to ensure that all internal interfaces have limited access only inside ydb-go-sdk.
  • major changes to (including removal of) the public interfaces and types that have been previously exported by ydb-go-sdk. We understand that these changes will break the backward compatibility of early adopters of these interfaces. However, these changes are generally coordinated with early adopters and have the concise interfacing with ydb-go-sdk as a goal.

Internal interfaces outside from internal directory are marked with comment such as

// Warning: only for internal usage inside ydb-go-sdk

We publish the planned breaking MAJOR changes:

  • via the comment Deprecated in the code indicating what should be used instead
  • through the file


Requires Go 1.13 or later.


go get -u


Native usage

The straightforward example of querying data may looks similar to this:

// Determine timeout for connect or do nothing
connectCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, time.Second)
defer cancel()

// connect package helps to connect to database, returns connection object which
// provide necessary clients such as table.Client, scheme.Client, etc.
// All manipulations with the connection could be done without the connect package
db, err := connect.New(
if err != nil {
    return fmt.Errorf("connect error: %w", err)
defer db.Close()

// Create session for execute queries
session, err := db.Table().CreateSession(ctx)
if err != nil {
    // handle error
defer session.Close(ctx)

// Prepare transaction control for upcoming query execution.
// NOTE: result of TxControl() may be reused.
txc := table.TxControl(

// Execute text query without preparation and with given "autocommit"
// transaction control. That is, transaction will be commited without
// additional calls. Notice the "_" unused variable – it stands for created
// transaction during execution, but as said above, transaction is commited
// for us and we do not want to do anything with it.
_, res, err := session.Execute(ctx, txc,
        DECLARE $mystr AS Utf8?;
        SELECT 42 as id, $mystr as mystr
        table.ValueParam("$mystr", ydb.OptionalValue(ydb.UTF8Value("test"))),
if err != nil {
    return err // handle error
// Scan for received values within the result set(s).
// res.Err() reports the reason of last unsuccessful one.
var (
    id    int32
    myStr *string //optional value
for res.NextResultSet("id", "mystr") {
    for res.NextRow() {
        // Suppose our "users" table has two rows: id and age.
        // Thus, current row will contain two appropriate items with
        // exactly the same order.
        err := res.Scan(&id, &myStr)

        // Error handling.
        if err != nil {
            return err
        // do something with data
        fmt.Printf("got id %v, got mystr: %v\n", id, *myStr)
if res.Err() != nil {
    return res.Err() // handle error

This example can be tested as ydb/example/from_readme

YDB sessions may become staled and appropriate error will be returned. To reduce boilerplate overhead for such cases ydb-go-sdk provides generic retry logic:

	var res *table.Result
	// Retry() will call given OperationFunc with the following invariants:
	//  - previous operation failed with retriable error;
	//  - number of retries is under the limit (default to 10, see table.Retryer docs);
	// Note that in case of prepared statements call to Prepare() must be made
	// inside the Operation body.
	err = table.Retry(ctx, db.Table().Pool(),
		table.OperationFunc(func(ctx context.Context, s *table.Session) (err error) {
			res, err = s.Execute(...)

That is, instead of manual creation of table.Session, we give a SessionPool such responsibility. It holds instances of active sessions and "pings" them periodically to keep them alive.

See table.Retryer docs for more information about retry options.

Database/sql driver

There is a database/sql driver for the sql-based applications or those which by some reasons need to use additional layer of absctraction between user code and storage backend.

For more information please see the docs of ydbsql package which provides database/sql driver implementation.


There are different variants to get ydb.Credentials object to get authorized. Usage examples can be found here at func credentials(...) ydb.Credentials.

Generating code


There is lot of boilerplate code for scanning values from query result and for passing values to prepare query. There is an experimental tool named ydbgen aimed to solve this.

Installation ydbgen

go get -u

Usage ydbgen

ydbgen helps to generate such things:

  • scanning values from result into a struct or slice of structs;
  • building query parameters from struct
  • building ydb's struct value from struct
  • building ydb's list value from slice of structs

The very short example could be like this:

package somepkg

//go:generate ydbgen

//ydb:gen scan
type User struct {
	Name string
	Age  int32

After running go generate path/to/somepkg/dir file with suffix _ydbgen.go will be generated. It will contain method Scan() for User type, as requested in the generate comment.


Generation may be configured at three levels starting from top:

  • ydbgen binary flags (package level)
  • comment markers right before generation object in form of //ydb:set [key1:value1 [... keyN:valueN]] (type level)
  • struct tags (field level)

Each downstream level overrides options for its context.

For example, this code will generate all possible code for User struct with field Age type mapped to non-optional type, because the lowermost configuration level (which is struct tag) defines non-optional uint32 type:

//go:generate ydbgen -wrap optional

//ydb:set wrap:none
type User struct {
	Age int32 `ydb:"type:uint32,column:user_age"`

Binary flags

Flag Value Default Meaning
wrap optional + Wraps all mapped field types with optional type if no explicit tag is specified.
wrap none No wrapping performed.
seek column + Uses res.SeekItem() call to find out next field to scan.
seek position Uses res.NextItem() call to find out next field to scan.

Comment markers options

Options for comment markers are similar to flags, except the form of serialization.

Struct tags and values overview

Tag Value Default Meaning
type T Specifies which ydb primitive type must be used for this field.
type T? The same as above, but wraps T with optional type.
conv safe + Prepares only safe type conversions. Fail generation if conversion is not possible.
conv unsafe Prepares unsafe type conversions too.
conv assert Prepares safety assertions before type conversion.
column string Maps field to this column name.

Also the shorthand tags are possible: when using tag without key:value form, tag with - value is interpreted as field must be ignored; in other way it is interpreted as the column name.


There are few additional options existing for flexibility purposes.

Optional Types

Previously only basic Go types were mentioned as ones that able to be converted to ydb types. But it is possible generate code that maps defined type to YDB type (actually to basic Go type and then to YDB type). To make so, such type must provide two methods (when generation both getter and setters) – Get() (T, bool) and Set(T), where T is a basic Go type, and bool is a flag that indicates that value defined.

//go:generate ydbgen

type User struct {
	Name OptString

type OptString struct {
	Value   string
	Defined bool

func (s OptString) Get() (string, bool) {
	return s.Value, s.Defined
func (s *OptString) Set(v string) {
	*s = OptString{
		Value:   v,
		Defined: true,

There is special package called ydb/opt for this purposes:

package main

import ""

//go:generate ydbgen

type User struct {
	Name opt.String

Dealing with time.Time

There is additional feature that makes it easier to work with time.Time values and their conversion to YDB types:

//go:generate ydbgen

type User struct {
	Updated time.Time `ydb:"type:timestamp?"`

Dealing with container types

ydbgen supports scanning and serializing container types such as List<T> or Struct<T>.

//go:generate ydbgen

type User struct {
	Tags []string `ydb:"type:list<string>"`

Example above will interpret value for tags column (or 0-th item, depending on the seek mode) as List<String>.

Note that for String type this is neccessary to inform ydbgen that it is not a container by setting type field tag.

For more info please look at ydb/examples/generation folder.


More examples are listed in ydb/examples directory.