This is a general purpose job-runner repogitory, which is especially useful for deep learning training and testing (e.g. grid search hyper parameter tuning).
The sample codes are for running with different arguments.
You need to create jobs in jobs/todo/
first. The sample script are provided and you can try it by doing
ParamGenerator (in enable you to prepare arbitrary combination of hyper parameters. For example, the following codes can generate 20 patterns (gpu_memory will be changed only if sleep_time is equal to 30, and n_depth and n_channel will be changed in sync.)
pg.add_params('sleep_time', [5,10,20,30])
pg.add_params_if('gpu_memory', [0.3, 0.5], cond_key='sleep_time', cond_val=30)
pg.add_params('n_depth', [3,6,9,12])
pg.add_params('n_channel', [64,64,32,32], in_series=True)
In order to run a job script, you just type
./ --gpu=0
Then the oldest job will be executed with GPU#0 and stored jobs/done
if it finishes successfully.
When you want to run all jobs back-to-back, you just type the following command
./ --gpu=0 --mode=monitor
It is also possible to run multi process with different gpus by doing something like this. (Do it from independent terminals such as tmux)
./ --gpu=0 --mode=monitor
./ --gpu=1 --mode=monitor
./ --gpu=2 --mode=monitor
Oftenly, it is useful to describe a bunch of params on config.yaml instead of argparse. We provide a example to generate above hyper-param set in jobs/params and run sequently in the same way.
You can try by doing
./ --mode=monitor