This library exposes the renderer of Apophysis 7x using DLL exports so it can be integrated in other ecosystems. This is a rather hacky solution which has been chosen to avoid a tedious and probably pointless translation of Apophysis into a more integrative (and not completely dead) language.
This source code will not be maintained and using it happens at your own risk.
Please see for the full application which probably won't be maintained much either :-)
To build, I used Embarcardero Delphi XE8. It should be possible with the community edition too but I didn't test it.
If Delphi XE8 is installed on the system and the default installation path has been used, you can simply run build.cmd
create the DLLs.
There is a $!#% ton of warnings which have always been there(tm) and I didn't care enough to clean them up yet. Most of them are "hints", though: unused variables and declarations.
The following list contains the DLL exports of this library. All of these are in StdCall
convention. Strings should be marshaled as LPSTR
, pointer sizes are obviously dependent
on the chosen architecture. This project builds Windows x86/x64 architectures, therefore
pointer sizes are 4 bytes / 8 bytes.
This function must be called after linking the library and initializes the globals used to render the provided flame.
- none
Return type
- void
The counterpart of ApophysisInitializeLibrary
: releases all allocations made during
initialization and rendering.
- none
Return type
- void
Links a DLL plugin so it can be used during rendering.
- LPSTR directory: the path to the plugin directory
- LPSTR name: the name (without extension) of the plugin library
Return type
- void
Enables or disables log file writing.
- DWORD input: zero to disable logging, any other value to enable it
Return type
- void
Sets the number of threads to be used for the rendering process.
- DWORD nthreads: a value greater than or equal to one determining the number of threads to be used for rendering
Return type
- void
Gets the count of known variation names (internal and external/plugin variations)
- none
Return type
- DWORD: the amount of known variation names.
Gets the name of a known variation (internal and external/plugin variations) at the given index.
- DWORD index: the index to load the name from
- LPSTR& buf: a pointer to an LPSTR buffer to load the name into
Return type
- DWORD: the amount of characters read into the buffer
Gets the count of known transform attribute names (like color
, color_speed
, ...)
- none
Return type
- DWORD: the amount of known transform attribute names.
Gets the name of a known transform attribute name (like color
, color_speed
, ...) at the given index.
- DWORD index: the index to load the name from
- LPSTR& buf: a pointer to an LPSTR buffer to load the name into
Return type
- DWORD: the amount of characters read into the buffer
Starts rendering the given flame (see ParametersSetParameterString
) and copies the resulting image bits onto the given device context. The call will return when the rendering process is done.
- DWORD& hDC: a device context in form of a
Return type
- DWORD: the return code of the operation which is zero for success and non-zero for errors.
Uses the current point buffer contents to create an image with the data available. This is useful to create an intermediate image or an image after the rendering process has been cancelled. The image bits are copied onto the given device context.
- DWORD& hDC: a device context in form of a
Return type
- DWORD: the return code of the operation which is zero for success and non-zero for errors.
Uses the current point buffer contents to create an image from the persited buffer file which has been set before a previous render process using ParametersSetBufferSavePathString
. The image bits are copied onto the given device context.
- DWORD& hDC: a device context in form of a
Return type
- DWORD: the return code of the operation which is zero for success and non-zero for errors.
Starts rendering the given flame (see ParametersSetParameterString
) using an experimental, memory-preserving ("slim") rendering process and copies the resulting image bits onto the given device context. The call will return when the rendering process is done.
- DWORD& hDC: a device context in form of a
Return type
- DWORD: the return code of the operation which is zero for success and non-zero for errors.
Cancels the running rendering process.
- none
Return type
- void
Sets the address of a callback function which is invoked whenever a part of the whole process started.
- VOID& cb: the pointer to the callback function; see list below for function parameters
Return type
- void
Callback function parameters
- DWORD op: the index of the operation which has started at the moment of invocation (
= 0,opHibernating
= 1,opSampling
= 2)
Callback function return type
- void
Sets the address of a callback function which is invoked when the progress of the whole operation changed.
- VOID& cb: the pointer to the callback function; see list below for function parameters
Return type
- void
Callback function parameters
- DOUBLE progress: a value between zero and one determining the progress of the provided slice in the provided batch
- DWORD slice: the one-based index of the slice currently rendering in the provided batch
- DWORD nrslices: the total count of slices in the provided batch
- DWORD batch: the one-based index of the batch currently rendering
- DWORD nrbatches: the total count of batches
Callback function return type
- void
Sets the address of a callback function which is invoked when the system requires a pointer to a point buffer. This is the case when ApophysisStartSamplingCustomBufferAndWait
is utilized to render a previously persisted point buffer.
- VOID& cb: the pointer to the callback function; see list below for function parameters
Return type
- void
Callback function parameters
- VOID& address: a pointer to the buffer to be read by Apophysis
- DWORD x: the horizontal size of the 2D buffer
- DWORD y: the vertical size of the 2D buffer
Callback function return type
- void
Sets the parameter string to be used by the renderer.
- LPSTR input: the XML string to be read by Apophysis
Return type
- void
Sets the path to the folder where Apophysis saves its log files.
- LPSTR input: the directory path to be used
Return type
- void
Sets the path to the file where Apophysis saves the point buffer.
- LPSTR input: the file path to be used
Return type
- void
Sets the path to the file where Apophysis saves the target image and the alpha mask.
- LPSTR image: the file path to be used for the target image
- LPSTR alpha: the file path to be used for the alpha mask
Return type
- void
Sets the horizontal and vertical image dimensions for the target image.
- DWORD x: the horizontal dimension
- DWORD y: the vertical dimension
Return type
- void
Sets the OSAA (oversampling anti-aliasing) parameters.
- DWORD os: the degree of oversampling (x times the image size); must be larger than zero
- DOUBLE fr: the radius of the gaussian blur filter which is applied to the oversampled image before the size is reduced to the target image size
Return type
- void
Sets the amount of iterations per pixel (also called "density" or "quality")
- DOUBLE input: the desired amount of iterations per pixel
Return type
- void
Sets the color vibrancy of the target image
- DOUBLE input: the desired vibrancy
Return type
- void
Recalculate all values which are dependent on other, possibly changed values. This should be called directly before rendering if the parameters were changed in memory.
- none
Return type
- void
These exports are used to manipulate the flame loaded into memory by ParametersSetParameterString
. The signatures of these functions are pretty much all the same so they are not explained in detail like the exports above. Instead, pseudocode is used to illustrate the signatures.
// flame operations
void FLReset(); // clears all parameters
void FLApplyFinal(); // turns the last transform into a final one
// export
int FLToString(LPSTR& buffer); // saves the parameters to XML, returns the char count
int FLRandomToFile( // generates a random batch and saves it to file
LPSTR fileName, // target filename
int batchSize, // batch size
int width, // batch item image width
int height // batch item image width
// flame parameters
void FLName(LPSTR v); // display name (used for image metadata)
void FLBrightness(double v); // brightness
void FLVibrancy(double v); // vibrancy
void FLGamma(double v); // gamma
void FLGammaThreshold(double v); // gamma threshold
void FLOversample(int v); // OSAA degree
void FLFilter(double v); // OSAA filter radius
void FLZoom(double v); // logarithmic zoom ratio (ratio = 2^zoom)
void FLScale(double v); // units per pixel ratio ("fast zoom")
void FLQuality(double v); // iterations per pixel ("quality", "density")
void FLSize(double x, double y); // image size (used to calculate aspect ratio)
void FLBackground(int r, int g, int b); // image background color
// palette
void FLCMap(int i, int r, int g, int b); // palette color (i = index)
// camera
void FLCenter(double x, double y); // 2D camera X/Y-position
void FLAngle(double v); // 2D camera rotation angle in degrees (legacy)
void FLRotate(double v); // 2D camera rotation angle in radians
void FLCamZPos(double v); // 3D camera Z-position
void FLCamPitch(double v); // 3D camera pitch in radians
void FLCamYaw(double v); // 3D camera yaw in radians
void FLCamPerspective(double v); // 3D camera perspective distortion ratio
void FLCamDist(double v); // 3D camera distance (= 1 / perspective)
void FLCamDof(double v); // 3D camera depth of field ratio
// density estimation (experimental)
void FLEnableDE(int v); // enable/disable (1/0) density estimation
void FLEstimatorRadius(double v); // DE blur radius
void FLEstimatorMinimum(double v); // DE minimum blur radius
void FLEstimatorCurve(double v); // DE blur radius curve coefficient
// transform settings (first parameter is always the zero-based transform index)
void FLSoloXForm(int index); // disable all but this transform
void FLXName(int index, LPSTR v); // name (only descriptive)
void FLXWeight(int index, double v); // global probability of choice
void FLXChaos(int iFrom, int iTo, double v); // relative probability of choice
void FLXCoefs(int index, int ic, double v); // affine coefficient (ic = matrix index)
void FLXPost(int index, int ic, double v); // post transform coefficient
void FLXColor(int index, double v); // color coefficient
void FLXColorSpeed(int index, double v); // color spread coefficient
void FLXVarColor(int index, double v); // variation color weight
void FLXVar(int index, LPSTR name double v); // variation weight or parameter value