- 安装vivado19.1
- 下载DPR TRD v1.0,并解压
- The following tutorials assume that the $TRD_HOME environment variable is set as given below.
% export TRD_HOME=</path/to/downloaded/zipfile>/zcu102-dpu-trd-2018-2
- Open a Linux terminal
- Change directory to $TRD_HOME/pl
- Run the following command in Vivado shell to create the Vivado IPI project and invoke the GUI for DPU TRD hardware design.
% vivado -source scripts/trd_prj.tcl
- Change directory to $TRD_HOME/pl/prj/zcu102.srcs/sources_1/
- Clone本仓库的内容,并添加到vivado工程中
% git clone https://github.com/xxzzll11111/superpoint_on_fpga
- Click on “Generate Bitstream”.