Releases: xurei/hyperkeys
1.3.4 - hotfix
- Fixed "Add Macro" button not being clickable
- Windows Pin by path
- Added the description of the macros in the Macro selection window.
- Updated NPM packages
- Bumped electron to
- Use
instead ofReactDOM.render
- Use
instead ofglobal.postMessage
- Changed the shortcut edition view with an inline one
- Slight update of the layout
- Fixed delete button not sending the macro id if the trash icon is the target
- Removed overkill logs
Linux users : you will probably need to use the --no-sandbox
suffix with the AppImage, as GNOME and Electron don't go well together. It's quite unlikely that I find time to fix this in the near future. Sorry about that 😞
1.3.0 - Flatpak and Snap apps support
- Updated Electron to 19.1.1
- Window pin - Added Flatpak and Snap apps support
1.2.3 - Security Update
This version contains updates of some dependencies. No new feature added.
Updated :
- electron 16.0.6
- minimist 1.2.6
- (dev dependency) sass-loader 12.6.0
- (dev dependency) node-sass replaced by sass 1.49.7
This update contains a few UI fixes.
Fixed :
- "New version" link opens in the default browser
- "New macro" styling fix
This is mostly a technical update.
Changed :
- Electron version 16.0.1
- switch-audio : Action to use pactl instead of pacmd.
- Security : improved app security following electron best partices
1.1.11 RC1 - Electron update & compatibility fixes
- [#11] Fixed missing tray icon if
is not installed
- Updated Electron from 7 to 10
This ships an update of electron from 7.2.4 to 10.3.1
1.1.10 - Security update
This version only ships a security update on Hyperkeys dependency
Linux users are highly encouraged to update to this version.
1.1.9 - Bugfixes and Improved UI
This release has focused on fixing issues happening on Windows with "Window Pin [By name]".
A few Quality-of-Life features have been added as well :
- Pressing ESC in the config page will now closes the popups.
- Macros can now be disabled via a checkbox.
- The UI has been slightly revamped for better readability and Look-and-Feel.
- A notification bar has been added in case of a new release.
On Windows, a dependency to nircmd has been removed and reimplemented directly in the source code.