This is a simplified version of the RELION 3.0 tutorial for single particle analysis created by Sjors H.W. Scheres. The purpose of this tutorial is to make the RELION workflow clear and understandable for those who have no relations to electronic microscopy but might want to try to get in using RELION.
With RELION, you can build a 3D model of a particle from a set of the 2D micro-photography images (micrographs). It can help to find similar particles on other micrographs faster, and also can boost up further particle research.
The tutorial contains a simplified description of each step of the original tutorial, recommendations about how to get the best results, and explanation of results. Also, it includes links to additional references for cryo-EM terms like beam-induced motion-correction, CTF estimation, Bayesian polishing, and others.
The values for RELION parameters from the original tutorial were taken as the base. Still, at some steps values may be different from the values of the original tutorial.
We used the HPC cluster with the following specs for computations.
- CPU: Intel Xeon Gold 6230 Cascadelake (2.1GHz, 20Cores) x2
- Cores: 640
- MEM/node: 192GB
- Total Memory: 4.6TB
- GPU: N/A
- Number of Compute nodes: 16
- Interconnect: Intel Omni-Path 100Gbps
- File system: BeeGFS
- The RELION 3.0 tutorial for single particle analysis
- The tutorial made by Yasunaga Lab of Kyushu Institute of Technology (Japanese)
- Materials of the 2nd Cryo-EM Analysis Beginner Workshop held by The High Energy Accelerator Research Organization at Tsukuba City (Japanese)
- Install RELION
- RELION Tutorial
- Prepare Input Data
- Laplacian of Gaussian Picking
- Template Based Picking
- Step 10/29 - Optimize Params for Template Based Auto-Picking
- Step 11/29 - Template Based Auto-Picking
- Step 12/29 - Template Based Particle Extraction
- Step 13/29 - Sort Particles Picked by Template Based Auto-Picking
- Step 14/29 - Select "Good" Particles After Sorting
- Step 15/29 - 2D Classification of "Good" Particles
- Step 16/29 - Select "Good" Classes
- Initial 3D model
- Refined 3D Model
- Polishing