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Add Aryint same as Arylong.
Missing prim char equals in Const.
Missing 128 Add
Missing String quoted
ConvAST more parens wrapping; handles more cases.
Invoke int converts, null-strings more cases
Ternary can narrow
Missed places where construct -> $construct
Missed addNative
  • Loading branch information
cliffclick committed Nov 5, 2024
1 parent c550ce1 commit 07cb63e
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Showing 20 changed files with 286 additions and 60 deletions.
25 changes: 12 additions & 13 deletions javatools_backend/src/main/java/org/xvm/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,16 +1,15 @@
package org.xvm;

import org.xvm.xrun.*;
import org.xvm.xtc.FilePart;
import org.xvm.xtc.ModPart;
import org.xvm.xtc.Part;
import org.xvm.util.S;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.xvm.util.S;
import org.xvm.xrun.*;
import org.xvm.xtc.FilePart;
import org.xvm.xtc.ModPart;
import org.xvm.xtc.Part;

Exploring XTC bytecodes. Fakes as a XEC runtime translator to JVM bytecodes.
Expand All @@ -31,9 +30,9 @@ public class XEC {

// The main Ecstasy module
public static ModPart ECSTASY;

// Main Launcher.
// Usage: (-L path)* [-M main] file.xtc args
// Usage: (-L path)* [-M main] file.xtc args
public static void main( String[] args ) throws IOException {

// Parse options
Expand All @@ -48,15 +47,15 @@ public static void main( String[] args ) throws IOException {
// Arguments
String[] xargs = args(ndx,args);

REPO = new ModRepo();
// Load XTC file into repo
ModPart mod = REPO.load(xtc);
// Load XDK
for( String lib : libs ) REPO.load(lib);
// Link the repo;

// Start the thread pool up

Expand All @@ -65,7 +64,7 @@ public static void main( String[] args ) throws IOException {
// Start the initial container
MainContainer M = new MainContainer(N,mod);

/*Joinable J=*/M.invoke(xrun,xargs); // Returns something to join against
Expand All @@ -91,7 +90,7 @@ private static String xtc(int ndx, String[] args) {
System.err.println("Usage: xec (-L path)* [-M main] file.xtc args");

// File to parse
String xtc = args[ndx];
if( !xtc.endsWith(".xtc") ) {
Expand All @@ -100,7 +99,7 @@ private static String xtc(int ndx, String[] args) {
return xtc;

// Parse options: args to the main file
private static String[] args(int ndx, String[] args) {
return Arrays.copyOfRange(args,ndx,args.length);
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
import org.xvm.xec.ecstasy.collections.Array.Mutability;
import org.xvm.xec.ecstasy.collections.Hashable;
import org.xvm.xec.ecstasy.numbers.Int64;
import org.xvm.xec.ecstasy.text.Char;
import org.xvm.xec.ecstasy.text.Stringable;
import org.xvm.xrun.Never;
import org.xvm.xtc.*;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,6 +77,10 @@ private static boolean xeq(PropPart p) {
// Lost all type info, need to make sure same subclass
return c0 instanceof Int64 i0 && i0._i == i;
public static boolean equals$Const(XTC gold, Const c0, char c ) {
// Lost all type info, need to make sure same subclass
return c0 instanceof Char i0 && i0._i == c;

public static boolean equals$Const(XTC gold, XTC c0, XTC c1 ) { return equals$Const(gold,(Const)c0,(Const)c1); }

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@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
package org.xvm.xec.ecstasy.collections;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.function.IntUnaryOperator;
import org.xvm.XEC;
import org.xvm.util.SB;
import org.xvm.xec.XTC;
import org.xvm.xec.ecstasy.AbstractRange;
import org.xvm.xec.ecstasy.Boolean;
import org.xvm.xec.ecstasy.Iterator;
import org.xvm.xec.ecstasy.numbers.Int32;
import org.xvm.xrun.XRuntime;
import static org.xvm.xec.ecstasy.collections.Array.Mutability.*;

// ArrayList with primitives and an exposed API for direct use by code-gen.
// Not intended for hand use.
public class Aryint extends Array<Int32> {
public static final Aryint GOLD = new Aryint();
public static final Aryint EMPTY= new Aryint();

public int[] _es;
private Aryint(Mutability mut, int[] es) { super(Int32.GOLD,mut,es.length); _es = es; }
public Aryint( ) { this(Mutable , new int[ 0 ]); }
public Aryint(int len ) { this(Fixed , new int[len]); }
public Aryint(double x, int... es) { this(Constant, es); }
public Aryint(Mutability mut, Aryint as) { this(mut,as._es.clone()); }
public Aryint(Aryint as) { this(as._mut,as); }
public Aryint(double x, long... es) {
_es = new int[es.length];
for( int i=0; i<es.length; i++ )
_es[i] = (int)es[i];

public Aryint( int len, IntUnaryOperator fcn ) {
if( _len != len ) throw XEC.TODO(); // Too Big
for( int i=0; i<_len; i++ )
_es[i] = fcn.applyAsInt(i);
public static Aryint construct(Mutability mut, Aryint as) { return new Aryint(mut,as); }
public static Aryint construct() { return new Aryint(); }
public static Aryint construct( int len, IntUnaryOperator fcn ) { return new Aryint(len,fcn); }
public static Aryint construct(int len) { return new Aryint((int)len); }

// Fetch element
public int at8(long idx) {
if( 0 <= idx && idx < _len )
return _es[(int)idx];
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException( idx+" >= "+_len );
@Override public Int32 at(long idx) { return Int32.make(at8(idx)); }

// Add an element, doubling base array as needed
public Aryint add( int e ) {
if( _len >= _es.length ) _es = Arrays.copyOf(_es,Math.max(1,_es.length<<1));
_es[_len++] = e;
return this;

// Add an element, doubling base array as needed
public Aryint add( Int32 e ) {
if( _len >= _es.length ) _es = Arrays.copyOf(_es,Math.max(1,_es.length<<1));
_es[_len++] = e._i; // Unbox
return this;

/** Slice */
public Aryint slice( AbstractRange r ) {
throw XEC.TODO();

public Aryint addAll( Aryint ls ) {
for( int i=0; i<ls._len; i++ )
return this;

public int indexOf( int e ) {
for( int i=0; i<_len; i++ )
if( _es[i]==e )
return XRuntime.True(i);
return XRuntime.False(-1);
public Aryint removeUnordered(int e) {
int idx = indexOf(e);
return idx== -1 ? this : deleteUnordered(idx);
public Aryint deleteUnordered(int idx) {
_es[(int)idx] = _es[--_len];
return this;

public Aryint delete(int idx) {
return this;

public Aryint shuffled(Boolean inPlace) { return shuffled(inPlace._i); }
public Aryint shuffled(boolean inPlace) {
if( inPlace )
throw XEC.TODO();
// Not inPlace so clone
Aryint ary = new Aryint(_mut,this);
Random R = new Random();
for( int i=0; i<_len; i++ ) {
int idx = R.nextInt(_len);
int x = ary._es[i]; ary._es[i] = ary._es[idx]; ary._es[idx] = x;
return ary;

/** @return an iterator */
public Iterint iterator() { return new Iterint(); }
public class Iterint extends Iterator<Int32> {
private int _i;
@Override public Int32 next() { return Int32.make(next8()); }
@Override public long next8() { return (XRuntime.$COND = hasNext()) ? _es[_i++] : 0; }
@Override public boolean hasNext() { return _i<_len; }
@Override public final String toString() { return _i+".."+_len; }
// --- Comparable
@Override public boolean equals( XTC x0, XTC x1 ) { throw org.xvm.XEC.TODO(); }

// --- Freezable
@Override public Aryint freeze(boolean inPlace) {
if( _mut==Constant ) return this;
if( !inPlace ) return construct(Constant,this);
_mut = Constant;
return this;

// --- Appender
@Override public String toString() {
SBX.p("[ ");
for( int i=0; i<_len; i++ )
SBX.p(_es[i]).p(", ");
String str = SBX.unchar(2).p("]").toString();
return str;

// Note that the hashCode() and equals() are not invariant to changes in the
// underlying array. If the hashCode() is used (e.g., inserting into a
// HashMap) and the then the array changes, the hashCode() will change also.
@Override public boolean equals( Object o ) {
if( this==o ) return true;
if( !(o instanceof Aryint ary) ) return false;
if( _len != ary._len ) return false;
if( _es == ary._es ) return true;
for( int i=0; i<_len; i++ )
if( _es[i] != ary._es[i] )
return false;
return true;
@Override public int hashCode( ) {
int sum=_len;
for( int i=0; i<_len; i++ )
sum += _es[i];
return (int)(sum ^ (sum>>32));

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,14 @@ public class Int128 extends IntNumber {
public Int128 sub( long x ) { throw XEC.TODO(); }
public Int128 mul( long x ) { throw XEC.TODO(); }
public Int128 div( long x ) { throw XEC.TODO(); }
public Int128 add( Int128 x ) { throw XEC.TODO(); }
public Int128 add( Int128 x ) {
long lo = _lo+x._lo;
long hi = _hi+x._hi;
if( (~(_lo | x._lo)) < 0 && lo < 0 ) {
throw XEC.TODO(); // Overflow
return construct(lo,hi);
public Int128 sub( Int128 x ) { throw XEC.TODO(); }
public Int128 mul( Int128 x ) {
long lo = _lo*x._lo;
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ public class Char extends Const {
public Char(char c) {_i=c;}
public static Char make(char c) { return new Char(c); }
public final char _i;
public static Char construct(char c) { return new Char(c); }

public static <E extends Char> boolean equals$Char( XTC gold, E ord0, E ord1 ) { return ord0==ord1; }
@Override public boolean equals ( XTC x0, XTC x1 ) { return ((Char)x0)._i == ((Char)x1)._i; }
@Override public boolean equals( Object o ) {
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ public class String extends Const implements Iterable<Char> {
@Override public java.lang.String toString() { return _i; }

public static java.lang.String quoted( java.lang.String s ) {
throw XEC.TODO();
return '"'+s+'"';
// Conditional return
public static long indexOf( java.lang.String src, java.lang.String find, long start ) {
Expand Down
20 changes: 14 additions & 6 deletions javatools_backend/src/main/java/org/xvm/xtc/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
package org.xvm.xtc;

import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import org.xvm.XEC;
import org.xvm.util.Ary;
import org.xvm.util.S;
import org.xvm.util.SB;
import org.xvm.xec.ecstasy.Comparable;
import org.xvm.xec.ecstasy.Enum;
import org.xvm.xec.ecstasy.Orderable;
import org.xvm.xec.ecstasy.Service;
import org.xvm.xec.ecstasy.collections.Array.Mutability;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -179,8 +179,10 @@ private void jclass_body() {
_sb.p("extends ").p(_tclz._super._name);
_tclz._super.clz_generic_use( _sb, _tclz );
if( _clz._f==Part.Format.CONST ) {
IMPORTS.add( XEC.XCLZ + ".ecstasy.Const" );
IMPORTS.add( XEC.XCLZ + ".ecstasy.Ordered" );
} else if( _clz._f==Part.Format.ENUM ) {
} else if( _clz._f==Part.Format.SERVICE ) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -436,6 +438,10 @@ private void jclass_body() {
_clz.child("toString")==null )

// Enum classes get a values property, not in the kids list
if( _clz._f == Part.Format.ENUM )

// If the run method has a string array arguments -
// - make a no-arg run, which calls the arg-run with nulls.
// - make a main() which forwards to the arg-run
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -598,7 +604,6 @@ public void jmethod( MethodPart m, String mname ) {
if( xfun.ret()!=XCons.VOID )
_sb.p("return ");
_sb.p(mname).p("( ");
int delta = xfun.nargs() - m._args.length;
for( int i = 0; i < m._args.length; i++ ) {
if( xfun.arg(i).isUnboxed() )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -674,7 +679,7 @@ public void jmethod_body( MethodPart m, String mname, boolean constructor ) {
// This is a XTC constructor, which in Java is implemented as a factory
// method - which has the normal no-arg Java constructor already called -
// but now the XTC constructor method needs to end in a Java return.
if( constructor )
if( constructor && !(blk._kids[blk._kids.length-1] instanceof ThrowAST) )
blk = blk.add(new ReturnAST(m,false,new RegAST(-5/*A_THIS*/,"this",_tclz)));
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -740,8 +745,10 @@ public static XClz add_import( XClz tclz ) {
assert IMPORTS != null;
// If the compiling class has the same path, tclz will be compiled in the
// same source code
if( tclz._clz!=null && tclz._clz._path!=null && S.eq(CCLZ._path._str,tclz._clz._path._str) )
if( tclz._clz!=null && tclz._clz._path!=null && S.eq(CCLZ._path._str,tclz._clz._path._str) ) {
if( tclz._clz._par instanceof MethodPart ) add_nested(tclz);
return tclz;

// External; needs an import
if( !tclz.needs_import(true) ) return tclz;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -850,6 +857,7 @@ public static String jname( String name ) {
// Mangle names colliding with java keywords
return switch( name ) {
case "default", "assert", "char", "int" -> name+"0";
case "construct" -> "$construct";
case "_" -> "$ignore";
default -> name;
Expand Down

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