Author: Xiaotong Liu ([email protected])
This folder ('/MCM_paper') contains my work on the project of MCM manuscript. It also contains the code and data for my PhD thesis and defense presentation.
The data files (.Rdata , .txt, etc) are all saved in the sub-folder '/MCM_paper/data'. The scripts obtain data from that directory.
I specifically focus on organizing the scripts for figures in this folder:
I saved the scripts for generating the manuscript main figures and supplemental figures in the sub-folder '/MCM_paper/manuscript_figure'. The output of the scripts (figures) are also saved there.
I saved the figure output for my thesis and defense presentation in the sub-folders '/MCM_paper/thesis_figure' and '/MCM_paper/thesis_ppt_figures', respectively.
Other scripts are saved in the folder '/MCM_paper/supporting_scripts' for data processing and modeling.
Of note, there is a script called MCM_function.R in '/MCM_paper' that saves all the functions used in MCM modeling.