Several of the changes here represent the start of an effort to make the Larix GUI more configurable, especially for non XAS tasks, allowing for additional optional Analysis Tasks to be added for certain types of data and analyses. This is a work-in-progress.
General bugfixes:
- allow shorter pre-edge range, selecting by number of energy points (#517)
- fix bug reading very short XDI files (#519)
- remove _larch argument from write_ascii() (#521)
- tweak scaling and fitting tolerances used for XRF fitting.
- scale reconstructed tomography data to have the same mean value as the original sinogram.
- fix many Numpy uses that have been deprecated in Numpy2.
- require Numpy<2, at least until other packages (pymatgen, scikit-image) support it.
- drop requirement for peakutils, add function to reproduce peakutils.peak_indices
- improve debugtime utility, use tabulate module for output.
- add support for Python 3.12, and drop testing of Python 3.8.
Larix features and fixes:
- Feffit Panel: fixes for handling cases with no data, to allow EXAFS simulations without data.
- Feffit Panel: fix plotting individual paths (#515).
- PCA Panel: fix plotting of group with model and other plot variations (#520).
- fix getting config when a datagroup might be missing.
- Add splash screen at startup
- Better placement of Plot window at startup.
- support enabling wx inspection.
- reorganize menus to have more drop-down menus with fewer, better organized categories.
- Analysis Panels/Tabs can be re-arranged or removed.
- Analysis Panels can be selected or deselected from the Preferences Menu.
- remove "XY data" (was "raw data") from XAS Normalization Panel
- reading general "XY data" (was "raw data") into separate Panel
- "Spin Arrows" to in/decrement numbers are now acceptably sized on Linux/Gtk3.
- Horizontal Lines are shown on macOS.
XRF Fitting interface:
- fix many display issues, especially on Linux.