This is a Java library for parsing and returning graph representations of gate-level Verilog netlists. It's being developed primarily as a backbone for Xprova but can also be used to jump start the development of any EDA tool that involves gate-level processing of Verilog netlists.
To load a Verilog netlist, first prepare and load a component library. This is just a Verilog file that contains skeleton module definitions with module names, ports and port directions such as:
module DFF(clk, reset, d, q);
input clk, reset, d;
output q;
module AND(a, b, y);
input a, b;
output y;
module NOT(a, y);
input a;
output y;
The following call loads the content of the file above (call it simple.lib
ArrayList<Netlist> libModules = VerilogParser.parseFile('./simple.lib', new GateLibrary());
Each of DFF
and NOT
are loaded as individual Netlist
objects and
can now be used to prepare a GateLibrary
object using:
GateLibrary simpleLib = new GateLibrary(libModules);
After initializing simpleLib
you can load any gate-level Verilog netlist
consisting of the libray modules such as:
module main(clk, rst, x, y);
input clk, rst, x;
output y;
NOT inv1(x, y);
which can be loaded using:
ArrayList<Netlist> netListArr = VerilogParser.parseFile('minimal.v', simpleLib);