- Loads a set of employee records from a flat file
- Sends a greetings email to all employees whose birthday is today (over http)
The flat file is a sequence of records, separated by newlines; this are the first few lines:
last_name, first_name, date_of_birth, email
Doe, John, 1982/10/08, [email protected]
Ann, Mary, 1975/09/11, [email protected]
The greetings email contains the following text:
Subject: Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, dear John!
with the first name of the employee substituted for “John”
To send an email you have to make an http request to a fake email-server that will only log the request was received.
The fake service will run only when you run
npm start
and will be available at:
POST http://localhost:3456/send-email
In order to be able to send an email correctly you have to send a body like this:
{"recipient":"[email protected]","subject": "Titolo", "body": "Happy birthday, dear John!"}