A wrapper for go related command which set GOPATH dynamically.
For some reason, one needs to build/get/run go programs out of his main $GOPATH occasionally, or do not want to set an all-in-one static $GOPATH at all.
This program can set $GOPATH to the first directory it found from current working directory towards root which contains a subdirectory called src. If there is already a $GOPATH in environment, gopath will respect it and do nothing. The following table explains the effect of $GOPATH according to $PWD.
/path/to/project/src | /path/to/project |
/tmp/proj/src/foo | /tmp/proj |
go get go.papla.net/gopath
gopath is go-getable, you just need to put it into your $PATH after build.
gopath will treat argv[0] as the original name if it not named "gopath", otherwise argv[1]. So you can either make a symlink or use shell alias.
e.g., using symlink:
ln -s /path/to/gopath /path/go
and using shell alias:
alias go = 'gopath go'
Two methods are supported currently, using a config file(recommended) or rename the origin.
Modify gopathrc.sample and save it into one of the following location:
- $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gopathrc
- $HOME/.config/gopathrc
- $HOME/.gopathrc
rename the origin foo to foo.bin, e.g.
mv go go.bin
Do not support windows yet.