With its beginner-friendly syntax and extensive package ecosystem, the Python programming language has proved useful to many scientists across a number of fields.
The pySynTeX
package is intended as a documentation tool for these scientists, by providing function decorators that allow for symbolic binding between a textual representation in LaTeX and the parameters of a function. This is best illustrated by an example, which also exemplifies how simple using pySynTeX
@equation(r"\sum\limits_{i = 0}^{n} a \cdot r^i", n="n", init="a", ratio="r")
def geometric_progression(n, init, ratio):
total = 0
for i in range(n + 1):
total += ratio ** i
return init * total
There are a number of observations we can make straight away. Firstly, the first argument of the decorator is a string written in LaTeX syntax which represents in mathematical notation the equation of a geometric progression. Secondly, observe that the subsequent arguments bind a paramater of the function to the corresponding symbol in the LaTeX string. This binding allows for the substitution of symbols with numbers. For example,
print(geometric_progression.syntex(9, 1, 1))
results in the output
"\sum\limits_{i = 0}^{9} 1 \cdot 1^i"
Observe how geometric_progression
is no longer simply a function, but is rather an extended callable object, by
virtue of the @equation
We can even include the result of the function for a given set of parameter values, by using Python-style formatted strings. For example,
print(geometric_progression.syntex_eval(" = {}", 9, 1, 1))
results in the output
"\sum\limits_{i = 0}^{9} 1 \cdot 1^i = 10"
Indeed, syntex
and syntex_eval
calls returns an object defining
multiple different representations. For example, the package has support for displaying the result as typeset LaTeX if
run in a Jupyter notebook environment. More so, we can concatenate different symbolic expressions, as demonstrated below:
In contrast to existing solutions, pySynTeX
requires no modification to existing code, besides the addition of a
simple decorator.
The long term goal of pySynTeX
is to develop into a debugging tool for logical errors - namely by introducing the
capability of traversing a function's abstract syntax tree and generating a human-readable expression of the function body
in LaTeX. This would allow one to better interpret whether a function is doing what is desired or not.