排版 Sigil、Calibre、Word、Dobby、Jutoh
转换 EasyPub、Calibre、kepubify (epub转换到kepub)
Github 链接:https://github.com/standardebooks
更多推荐内容请见 tips/tieba.md
- 【sigil插件】注释处理插件+使用教程
- 【sigil插件】图片压缩工具
- 【sigil插件】字体子集化插件(最新)
- 【epub工具】重构epub为规范格式
- 【sigil插件】生僻字注音工具
- 【sigil插件】小说标题序号更改插件
- 【sigil插件】TXT分章助手
- 【Sigil插件】繁简转化工具
- 请问sigil能制作复杂表格么?
- 【新手向教程】一步步教你用Sigil制作图文并茂的EPUB电子书。
- 【 epub 工具】 EPUB 批量修改器
- 【Sigil插件】字体导入插件 Font2CSS
E-Book Software - MobileRead Forums
官方插件开发文档 docs/Sigil_Plugin_Framework_revXX.epub
book 文件夹存放个人觉得质量不错的epub电子书,文件夹名为制作者。
epubcheck 文件夹存放了epubcheck批处理代码。
tips 文件夹存放了一些建议和诀窍的说明文件。(详情请见README文件)
Jutoh 文件夹存放了JinE Jutoh word模板
Emeditor 文件夹存放 Emeditor 脚本
The following figure shows the knowledge required for ePub typesetting, and I have listed the general production process for your reference.
Excerpted from zhihu, author: 凤采, drawing: 飞爱碧玉
Typesetting Sigil、Calibre、Word、Dobby、Jutoh
Convert EasyPub、Calibre、kepubify (converts EPUBs to Kobo EPUBs.)
Taiwan EPUB 3 Production Guide
Generate EPUB package file epubcheck
The simple version of epubcheck batch processing can be found in this repository
Epub production book: Word+Jutoh
Brief notes on making duokan fine typesetting book
duokan e-book making skills - jianshu
Make English eBooks synchronized with sound and text
EPub Guide - From Getting Started to Giving Up: Red Ni (2nd Edition)
Standard Ebooks Free and liberated ebooks, carefully produced for the true book lover
Github link: https://github.com/standardebooks
How to use Sigil and EpubCheck plug-ins to check and repair EPUB files
[netizens' contributions] use webtoepub to convert online e-books into ePub files – Book Companion
Epubpress: turn multiple open web pages into an e-book - Book Companion
How to convert a Kindle ebook to an enhanced typo KFX format
KindleUnpack: A handy tool for dismantling Kindle eBook files
How to make a homemade MOBI/EPUB format comic book eBook | Kindle comic book making tutorial
Sigil+Chain LP+Matlab produces an epub version of the comic book e-book
For more recommendations, see tips/tieba.md
[sigil plug-in] plug-in for changing the serial number of novel title
[sigil plug-in]Simplified and complex chinese characters conversion tool
Shuyuan.com fine typesetting Club
E-Book Software - MobileRead Forums
Get started writing Sigil plugins
Official plugin development documentation docs/Sigil_Plugin_Framework_revXX.epub
The book folder stores epub e-books that I personally feel are of good quality, and the folder name is Maker.
The epubcheck folder holds the epubcheck batch code.
The tips folder stores documentation of some tips and tricks. (See the README document for details)
The Jutoh folder contains JinE Jutoh word templates
The Emeditor folder contains Emeditor scripts