This is a repo covering the following papers.
Generalized Few-Shot Video Classification with Video Retrieval and Feature Generation
Yongqin Xian, Bruno Korbar, Matthijs Douze, Lorenzo Torresani, Bernt Schiele, Zeynep Akata
TPAMI 2021
Generalized Many-Way Few-Shot Video Classification
Yongqin Xian, Bruno Korbar, Matthijs Douze, Bernt Schiele, Zeynep Akata,
Lorenzo Torresani
ECCV IPCV Workshop 2020
The code was built with PyTorch 1.4.0 and torchvision 0.5.0.
Please follow this repository to prepare the training and test data.
The pretrained models can be downloaded with this link. It includes the R(2+1)D model pretrained on Sports1M, the R(2+1)D models (pretrained on Sports1M) finetuned on Kinetics100, UCF101 and SomethingV2 datasets respectively.
Please follow the sample_commands in the repo to reproduce the few-shot and generalized few-shot learning results.