基于 React 的 framework 框架,它包含了 SSR、ISG、SSG 渲染等,非常简单方便,它抽象了自动配置工具,无绪关心工程化配置,专注于 coding 逻辑 npx create-next-app@latest [project]
Core API 静态路由 根据 pages 下的文件/文件夹自动配置路由 /index.tsx localhost:3000/ /about.tsx localhost:3000/about /help localhost:3000/help 动态路由 比如 posts 文件夹下: ● [...params].tsx/ts ○ localhost:3000/posts/a,localhost:3000/posts/a/b,localhost:3000/posts/a/b/... ● [id].tsx/ts ○ localhost:3000/posts/1,localhost:3000/posts/[id] ● [[id]].tsx/ts 可有可无 ○ localhost:3000/posts,localhost:3000/posts/[id] ● [id]/index.tsx 或者 [id]/page.tsx localhost:3000/posts/[id]
(auth) /login/index.tsx --> localhost:3000/login 生成无数据静态网页 next export SSG(静态生成) / ISR(增量静态生成) ● 通过 getStaticPaths 和 getStatifcProps 这两个方法在服务端 build 时生成静态页面 // pages/posts/[id].tsx
// react 组件 const Page = ({ data }: any) => { return (
export default Page;
/*** 静态生成:SSG */
export async function getStaticProps(context: NextPageContext) {
const { id } = context.params;
const data = await fetch(https://api/${id}/
).then(data => data.json());
return {
props: { data },
export async function getStaticPaths() { return { paths: [{ params: { id: '1' } }, { params: { id: '2' } }], fallback: false, // ‘blocking’ / true / false // ‘blocking’ 按需生成 // false 没有静态页面,则 404 // true 自己返回 loading 等待静态生成 }; } ● getStaticPaths 通过配置,我们在 dev/build 时,预先生成相关的静态页面,这里生成如下: ○ localhost:3000/posts/1 和 localhost:3000/posts/2 ○ fallback ■ false:localhost:3000/posts/3 --> 404 ■ blocking: localhost:3000/posts/3 --> 访问时生成静态页面,用户等待静态页面生成完成时,才渲染页面(服务端压力增加,不要使用), ■ true:localhost:3000/posts/3 --> 访问时,用户端可以监控路由的 isFallback,先显示 loading 提示,待静态页面生成后,显示渲染的内容(服务端压力增加,不要使用) ● ○ 说白了,就是 blocking 和 true,是按需生成静态,当用户访问路由时,才会生成,这样效率和性能都不好,不要使用, ● ISR:增量静态色生成(不建议使用) ○ 自动触发:getStaticProps 设置 revalidata,比如设置为 10,表示当前页面在服务端的超时时间为 10s,当用户访问时,如果没超过 10s 中,则使用原来的生成静态页面,否则重新生成新的静态页面 ■ ○ 手动触发 ■ 不建议使用
SSR 使用 getServerSideProps // pages/posts/[id].tsx
// react 组件 const Page = ({ data }: any) => { return (
// SSR,这里的代码在 server 端执行
export async function getServerSideProps(context: NextPageContext) {
const { id } = context.params;
const data = await fetch(https://api/${id}/
).then(data => data.json());
return {
props: { data },
} a component has only getServerSideProps or getStaticProps 不能同时存在一个组件中,说白了,要么是 SSG,要么是 SSR
Hit the road FileSystem router
[id] 与 [..slug] all exist 会优先匹配 [id] ● http://localhost:3000/events/a -> [eventId] ● http://localhost:3000/events/a/b -> [...slug] [...slug] 获取参数
Link 和手动设置路由
预渲染 why ● 传统 React: 应用返回的 HTML 文件中,不包含应用的信息,因为页面是在客户端进行渲染的,所以服务端返回的源码通常只有一个 id 为 root 的 div 标签,不利于做 SEO(搜索引擎优化) ● pre-rendering:浏览器收到的 HTML 文件源码是包含了页面信息的代码,Good for SEO
- pre-rendering will not execute useEffect in server SSG SSG 是静态站点生成,就是在文件打包阶段,预先生成页面 ● Next.js 默认会预渲染所有没有动态数据的页面,而动态的数据还是像 React 一样在客户端渲染的 ● 如果要在 HTML 源码中展现动态数据,可以使用 page 下 getStaticProps 方法。这个方法是跑在服务端环境下的,可以在服务端获取数据并渲染,并且客户端不会收到方法内任何的代码。此外,Next.js 拓展了一些功能,比如 fetch 是浏览器的接口,在服务端是不能用的,而在 getStaticProps 方法中是可以使用 fetch API 的 (通过 node-fetch 这个库实现的。(Node.js18.0.0 版本开始原生支持了 fetch 方法) getStaticProps
export type GetStaticPropsResult
= | { props: P; revalidate?: number | boolean } | { redirect: Redirect; revalidate?: number | boolean } | { notFound: true; revalidate?: number | boolean } ● props 是服务端获取的需要传给组件的数据,revalidate 可以定义生产环境下 getStaticProps 调用的间隔秒数,600 就是 600 秒,10 分钟。测试环境下这个配置项无效,每次访问页面都会触发此方法。而后两种情况适用于获取数据失败时,引导用户进行下一步操作,重定向或直接返回 404 错误。此外如果需要在 getStaticProps 中访问路径参数,可以在方法的 context 参数的 params 属性获取 getStaticPaths 上面指的没有动态数据的页面,也不能是动态路由(文件名带[]的 js),否则也不会自动生成静态页面。如果需要生成静态页面,需要使用 getStaticPaths 方法。 ● getStaticPaths 方法定义了一组需要生成静态页面的列表,每项数据都会调用 getStaticProps 来获取数据,所以要使用 getStaticPaths 一定先要有定义 getStaticProps export async function getStaticPaths() { return { paths: [{ params: { id: '1' } }, { params: { id: '2' } }], fallback: false, } } SSR SSR 是服务端渲染,getServerSideProps 方法可以针对每次请求作出处理,适用于数据变化比较频繁的页面 ● getStaticProps 与 getServerSideProps 只能二选一 ● getServerSideProps 也是运行在服务器上的方法,这个方法的参数 context 可以完整获取请求的所有数据 ● 没有 revalidate 属性,因为每次请求都会重新渲染 export type GetServerSidePropsContext< Q extends ParsedUrlQuery = ParsedUrlQuery, D extends PreviewData = PreviewData
= ({ req: IncomingMessage & {
cookies: NextApiRequestCookies
} res: ServerResponse params?: Q query: ParsedUrlQuery preview?: boolean previewData?: D resolvedUrl: string locale?: string locales?: string[] defaultLocale?: string }) => GetServerSidePropsResult
export type GetServerSidePropsResult
= | { props: P | Promise
} | { redirect: Redirect } | { notFound: true }
不适合预渲染的情况 以下三种情况不适合使用服务端预渲染: ● 数据变化非常频繁的页面(比如股票数据) ● 与用户身份高度耦合的页面(比如用户信息) ● 页面中只有某一小部分数据不同的情况
碰到这些情况,还是在客户端使用 useEffect 中 fetch 来获取数据,Next.js 团队也编写了一个 React 钩子库 SWR(https://swr.vercel.app/zh-CN) 来简化客户端请求 import useSWR from 'swr'
const fetcher = (...args) => fetch(...args).then((res) => res.json())
function Profile() { const { data, error } = useSWR('/api/profile-data', fetcher)
if (error) return
return (
) }SEC-Head+Meta 统一加上 Head 信息 ● 所有页面都都会统一加上 head 信息
页面独立 Head ● 页面中加入的 Head 会 merge _app 中的 head,做到个性化
多个 Head 会 merge
根据数据动态设置 Head
_document.js _app.js 相当于 body 中的内容,_document.js 相当于整个 HTML 文档 ● _app.js 会进入到 div#_next 容器下(默认自动创建) import { Html, Head, Main, NextScript } from 'next/document'
export default function Document() { return (
) }● MyDocument import Document, { Html, Head, Main, NextScript } from 'next/document';
class MyDocument extends Document { render() { return (
export default MyDocument;
图片优化 Next.js 提供了优化图片的方案——Image 组件,使用 Image 组件有四点好处: ● 优化图片大小:webp 格式 ○ 对各个设备使用合适的尺寸与格式(使用 Chrome 访问页面时,图片会转换成 webp 格式) ● 防止 CLS(累计布局偏移) ● 懒加载:图片在视图中才会被加载 ● 自定义图片尺寸,width、height ○ Next.js 会根据 Image 的 width 与 height 值,在页面请求服务端时,转换并缓存相应大小的图片 import Image from 'next/image'
export default function About(props) { return <> <Image src={'/img.jpeg'} alt="图片" width={100} height={100} /> <img src={'/img.jpeg'} alt="图片" /> </> }
API 路由 /pages/api 文件下的 JS 文件不会导出页面组件,Next.js 会将这些文件映射成 /api/* 的 API 端点,与文件路由创建一样,也支持动态路由 ● Wonderful,next 会缓存 get 请求,自动开启 Etag,下次请求进行协商缓存 Etag,当服务端数据又变化,Etag 会变化 -> 200,没有变化 --> 304 export default function handler(req, res) { if (req.method === 'POST') { // 处理 POST 请求 } else { // 处理其他 HTTP 方法请求 // res.status(200).json({ message: 'ok' }); } } ● 类型 export declare type NextApiHandler<T = any> = (req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) => unknown | Promise;
quest extends IncomingMessage {
_ Object of query
values from url
query: Partial<{
[key: string]: string | string[];
_ Object of cookies
from header
cookies: Partial<{
[key: string]: string;
body: any;
env: Env;
preview?: boolean;
_ Preview data set on the request, if any
_ */
previewData?: PreviewData;
export declare type NextApiResponse<T = any> = ServerResponse & {
_ Send data any
data in response
send: Send;
_ Send data json
data in response
json: Send;
status: (statusCode: number) => NextApiResponse;
redirect(url: string): NextApiResponse;
redirect(status: number, url: string): NextApiResponse;
_ Set preview data for Next.js' prerender mode
setPreviewData: (data: object | string, options?: {
_ Specifies the number (in seconds) for the preview session to last for.
_ The given number will be converted to an integer by rounding down.
_ By default, no maximum age is set and the preview session finishes
_ when the client shuts down (browser is closed).
maxAge?: number;
_ Specifies the path for the preview session to work under. By default,
_ the path is considered the "default path", i.e., any pages under "/".
path?: string;
}) => NextApiResponse;
_ Clear preview data for Next.js' prerender mode
clearPreviewData: (options?: {
path?: string;
}) => NextApiResponse;
revalidate: (urlPath: string, opts?: {
unstable_onlyGenerated?: boolean;
}) => Promise;
● API 路由映射 ○ /pages/api/feedback/index.js <===> GET api/feedback ■ /pages/api/posts/[postId].js <===> GET api/posts/12345 ○ /pages/api/feedback/index.js <===> POST api/feedback // GET function loadFeedbackHandler() { fetch('/api/feedback') .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { setFeedbackItems(data.data); }); }
// POST fetch('/api/feedback', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(reqBody), headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, }) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => console.log(data));
使用云 MongoDB https://cloud.mongodb.com/ 注册 --> 创建集群 Cluster
Database Access 创建数据库 user
Network Access RESTFUL ● npm i -S mongodb ● 连接 URL ○ 'mongodb+srv://username:@cluster0.jdiygge.mongodb.net/<db_name>?retryWrites=true&w=majority' ○ await MongoClient.connect(url) ==> promise
● db 工具 // /helpers/db-util import { MongoClient, ObjectId } from 'mongodb';
export async function connectDatabase() { const client = await MongoClient.connect( 'mongodb+srv://xfz:[email protected]/test?retryWrites=true&w=majority' );
return client; }
export async function insertDocument(client, collection, document) { const db = client.db();
const result = await db.collection(collection).insertOne(document);
return result; }
export async function getAllDocuments(client, collection, sort) { const db = client.db();
const documents = await db.collection(collection).find().sort(sort).toArray();
return documents; }
export async function getDocumentById(client, collection, id) { const db = client.db(); const document = await db .collection(collection) .find({ _id: new ObjectId(id) }) .toArray();
return document[0]; }
export async function deleteDocumentById(client, collection, id) { const db = client.db(); const document = await db.collection(collection).deleteOne({ _id: new ObjectId(id) }); const { deletedCount } = document; return deletedCount > 0; }
● API ○ /api/list GET & POST ○ /api/detail/[id] DELETE // /api/list import { connectDatabase, getAllDocuments, insertDocument } from '../../helpers/db-util';
export default async function handler(req, res) { let client;
try {
client = await connectDatabase();
} catch (error) {
res.status(500).json({ message: 'Connecting to the database failed!' });
if (req.method === 'GET') {
try {
// products - table
const documents = await getAllDocuments(client, 'products', { _id: -1 });
res.status(200).json({ data: documents });
console.log('查询所有数据', documents);
} catch (error) {
res.status(500).json({ message: 'Getting comments failed.' });
} else {
const { text } = req.body;
if (!text || !text.trim()) {
res.status(422).json({ message: 'Invalid input.' });
const newProduct = { text };
try {
const result = await insertDocument(client, 'products', newProduct);
console.log('insert success:', result.insertedId);
res.status(201).json({ message: 'Added success.', data: { _id: result.insertedId, ...newProduct } });
} catch (error) {
res.status(500).json({ message: 'Inserting comment failed!' });
// /api/detial/[id] import { connectDatabase, getDocumentById, deleteDocumentById } from '../../../helpers/db-util';
export default async function handler(req, res) { let client;
try {
client = await connectDatabase();
} catch (error) {
res.status(500).json({ message: 'Connecting to the database failed!' });
if (req.method === 'DELETE') {
try {
const { id } = req.query;
console.log(`delete id: ${id}`);
const response = await getDocumentById(client, 'products', id);
if (!response) {
res.status(500).json({ message: 'there is no data by id', result: false });
} else {
const result = await deleteDocumentById(client, 'products', id);
if (result) {
res.status(200).json({ message: 'delete success', result: true });
} else {
res.status(500).json({ message: 'there is no data by id', result: false });
} catch (e) {
res.status(500).json({ message: 'Delete failed!', result: false });
● client code // GET try { const res = await fetch('http://localhost:3000/api/list'); const resData = await res.json(); data = resData.data; } catch (e) { console.log(e); }
// POST try { setLoading(true); const result = await fetch('/api/list', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(data), headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, }); const res = await result.json(); setList([...list, res.data]); inputRef.current.value = ''; } catch (err) { console.error(err); } finally { setLoading(false); }
try {
const response = await fetch(/api/detail/${id}
, {
method: 'DELETE',
const { result } = await response.json();
if (result) {
setList(prev => prev.filter(item => item._id !== id));
} catch (e) {
部署 构建 构建 Next.js 应用有两种方式 ● 标准构建:next build,前端+nodejs ○ 使用这种方式构建,我们会得到优化后的前端项目 + 一个 NodeJS 服务端程序。这个服务端程序提供了 API 路由、SSR 与页面重验证等功能。所以如果要部署这个应用,需要服务器有 NodeJS 环境 ● 完全静态构建:next export,只有前端 ○ 使用这种方式生成的代码,只会包含纯前端的内容,HTML、CSS、JS 以及静态资源。没有 NodeJS 服务端程序,所以部署可以不需要 NodeJS 环境。当然这样的话,API 路由、SSR 等 Next.js 提供的特性就不能使用了 配置 next.config.js /*_ @type {import('next').NextConfig} _/ const nextConfig = { reactStrictMode: true, }
module.exports = nextConfig 这个文件中的代码也是服务端代码,在构建过程中以及构建生成的 NodeJS 服务端程序中会使用到。此外这个文件不会被 Webpack, Babel 或 TypeScript 处理,所以确保使用与机器 NodeJS 版本相匹配的语法
export interface NextConfig extends Record<string, any> {
exportPathMap?: (defaultMap: ExportPathMap, ctx: {
dev: boolean;
dir: string;
outDir: string | null;
distDir: string;
buildId: string;
}) => Promise | ExportPathMap;
_ Internationalization configuration
_ @see Internationalization docs
i18n?: I18NConfig | null;
_ @since version 11
_ @see ESLint configuration
eslint?: ESLintConfig;
_ @see Next.js TypeScript documentation
typescript?: TypeScriptConfig;
_ Headers allow you to set custom HTTP headers for an incoming request path. *
_ @see Headers configuration documentation
headers?: () => Promise<Header[]>;
_ Rewrites allow you to map an incoming request path to a different destination path.
_ @see Rewrites configuration documentation
rewrites?: () => Promise<Rewrite[] | {
beforeFiles: Rewrite[];
afterFiles: Rewrite[];
fallback: Rewrite[];
_ Redirects allow you to redirect an incoming request path to a different destination path.
_ @see Redirects configuration documentation
redirects?: () => Promise<Redirect[]>;
_ @see Moment.js locales excluded by default
excludeDefaultMomentLocales?: boolean;
_ Before continuing to add custom webpack configuration to your application make sure Next.js doesn't already support your use-case
_ @see Custom Webpack Config documentation
webpack?: NextJsWebpackConfig | null;
_ By default Next.js will redirect urls with trailing slashes to their counterpart without a trailing slash.
_ @default false
_ @see Trailing Slash Configuration
trailingSlash?: boolean;
_ Next.js comes with built-in support for environment variables
_ @see Environment Variables documentation
env?: Record<string, string>;
_ Destination directory (defaults to .next
distDir?: string;
_ The build output directory (defaults to .next
) is now cleared by default except for the Next.js caches.
cleanDistDir?: boolean;
_ To set up a CDN, you can set up an asset prefix and configure your CDN's origin to resolve to the domain that Next.js is hosted on.
_ @see CDN Support with Asset Prefix
assetPrefix?: string;
_ By default, Next
will serve each file in the pages
folder under a pathname matching the filename.
_ To disable this behavior and prevent routing based set this to true
. *
_ @default true
_ @see Disabling file-system routing
useFileSystemPublicRoutes?: boolean;
_ @see Configuring the build ID
generateBuildId?: () => string | null | Promise<string | null>;
/** @see Disabling ETag Configuration _/
generateEtags?: boolean;
/** @see Including non-page files in the pages directory */
pageExtensions?: string[];
/** @see Compression documentation _/
compress?: boolean;
_ The field should only be used when a Next.js project is not hosted on Vercel while using Vercel Analytics.
_ Vercel provides zero-configuration analytics for Next.js projects hosted on Vercel.
_ @default ''
_ @see Next.js Analytics
analyticsId?: string;
/** @see Disabling x-powered-by _/
poweredByHeader?: boolean;
/** @see Using the Image Component */
images?: ImageConfig;
/** Configure indicators in development environment _/
devIndicators?: {
/** Show "building..."" indicator in development _/
buildActivity?: boolean;
/** Position of "building..." indicator in browser */
buildActivityPosition?: 'bottom-right' | 'bottom-left' | 'top-right' | 'top-left';
_ Next.js exposes some options that give you some control over how the server will dispose or keep in memory built pages in development.
_ @see Configuring onDemandEntries
onDemandEntries?: {
/** period (in ms) where the server will keep pages in the buffer */
maxInactiveAge?: number;
/** number of pages that should be kept simultaneously without being disposed _/
pagesBufferLength?: number;
/** @see next/amp
amp?: {
canonicalBase?: string;
_ Deploy a Next.js application under a sub-path of a domain
_ @see Base path configuration
basePath?: string;
/** @see Customizing sass options _/
sassOptions?: {
[key: string]: any;
_ Enable browser source map generation during the production build *
_ @see Source Maps
productionBrowserSourceMaps?: boolean;
_ By default, Next.js will automatically inline font CSS at build time
_ @default true
_ @since version 10.2
_ @see Font Optimization
optimizeFonts?: boolean;
_ The Next.js runtime is Strict Mode-compliant.
_ @see React Strict Mode
reactStrictMode?: boolean | null;
_ Add public (in browser) runtime configuration to your app
_ @see Runtime configuration
publicRuntimeConfig?: {
[key: string]: any;
_ Add server runtime configuration to your app
_ @see Runtime configuration
serverRuntimeConfig?: {
[key: string]: any;
_ Next.js automatically polyfills node-fetch and enables HTTP Keep-Alive by default.
_ You may want to disable HTTP Keep-Alive for certain fetch()
calls or globally. *
_ @see Disabling HTTP Keep-Alive
httpAgentOptions?: {
keepAlive?: boolean;
_ During a build, Next.js will automatically trace each page and its dependencies to determine all of the files
_ that are needed for deploying a production version of your application. *
_ @see Output File Tracing
outputFileTracing?: boolean;
_ Timeout after waiting to generate static pages in seconds
_ @default 60
staticPageGenerationTimeout?: number;
_ Add "crossorigin"
attribute to generated <script>
elements generated by <Head />
or <NextScript />
_ *
_ @see crossorigin
attribute documentation
crossOrigin?: false | 'anonymous' | 'use-credentials';
_ Use SWC compiler to minify the generated JavaScript
_ @see SWC Minification
swcMinify?: boolean;
_ Optionally enable compiler transforms
_ @see Supported Compiler Options
compiler?: {
reactRemoveProperties?: boolean | {
properties?: string[];
relay?: {
src: string;
artifactDirectory?: string;
language?: 'typescript' | 'javascript' | 'flow';
removeConsole?: boolean | {
exclude?: string[];
styledComponents?: boolean | {
_ Enabled by default in development, disabled in production to reduce file size,
_ setting this will override the default for all environments.
displayName?: boolean;
topLevelImportPaths?: string[];
ssr?: boolean;
fileName?: boolean;
meaninglessFileNames?: string[];
minify?: boolean;
transpileTemplateLiterals?: boolean;
namespace?: string;
pure?: boolean;
cssProp?: boolean;
emotion?: boolean | {
sourceMap?: boolean;
autoLabel?: 'dev-only' | 'always' | 'never';
labelFormat?: string;
importMap?: {
[importName: string]: {
[exportName: string]: {
canonicalImport?: [string, string];
styledBaseImport?: [string, string];
output?: 'standalone';
transpilePackages?: string[];
skipMiddlewareUrlNormalize?: boolean;
skipTrailingSlashRedirect?: boolean;
modularizeImports?: Record<string, {
transform: string;
preventFullImport?: boolean;
skipDefaultConversion?: boolean;
_ Enable experimental features. Note that all experimental features are subject to breaking changes in the future.
experimental?: ExperimentalConfig;
这个文件还可以通过函数来根据不同环境返回不同的配置参数 module.exports = async (phase, { defaultConfig }) => { /**
- @type {import('next').NextConfig} / const nextConfig = { / 配置 */ } return nextConfig }
phase 参数会根据不同的 next 命令来传入不同的值 export declare const PHASE_EXPORT = "phase-export"; export declare const PHASE_PRODUCTION_BUILD = "phase-production-build"; export declare const PHASE_PRODUCTION_SERVER = "phase-production-server"; export declare const PHASE_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER = "phase-development-server"; export declare const PHASE_TEST = "phase-test";
通过 next/constants 模块引入常量 const { PHASE_PRODUCTION_BUILD } = require('next/constants')
module.exports = (phase, { defaultConfig }) => { if (phase === PHASE_PRODUCTION_BUILD) { return { /_ 生产构建配置 _/ } }
return { /_ 其他情况配置 _/ } }
部署 ● vercel ● cloudflare