There are some basic tests that run tasks from the pipeline and populate data into my existing tables, although these won't test your own models.
You will need to test manually the migration of your models into an empty postgres database.
There is a docker container that you can build, based on the Dockerfile in this repo.
On local machine, from within the cloned repo::
docker build --no-cache -t pipeline .
# Optional, for debugging purposes. Mount the git repo into the docker container
# If mouting the directory: Clear the repo for db_files and logs folders...
# Optional Deletes...
rm -rf db_files
rm -rf logs
rm -rf "''"
docker run --expose 8080 --mount type=bind,source=$repo,target=/pipeline -it pipeline /bin/bash
Within the docker container:
source activate pipeline
python makemigrations
python migrate
If, during the python makemigrations
or python migrate
errors are thrown you need to troubleshoot
based on these errors before the code will be successfully pushed into the master branch. Hence why we mount the repo
when testing so we can edit the python code without rebuilding the docker container.
I will update my TravisCI tests to make sure the integration tests fail if the migrate tasks listed above don't work.
Once you're in the container, you can run a local luigi daemon so that you can run luigi tasks to test them.
To start up the luigi daemon in the docker container:
nohup luigid >/dev/null 2>&1 &
You can then run any task you wish, providing you have the data you need. There should be some example data in tests/data
First, we need a soakdb file to use as an example. In tests/data/soakdbfiles
there is a json file containing some data
that can be converted into an sqlite file of the correct format. We can use
to do it: python
We can look in the testa/
file to see how data is usually set up for running tests for luigi in CI/CD.
class TestTransferSoakDBTasks(unittest.TestCase):
# filepath where test data is (in docker container) and filenames for soakdb
filepath = '/pipeline/tests/data/soakdb_files/'
db_filepath = '/pipeline/tests/data/processing/database/'
db_file_name = 'soakDBDataFile.sqlite'
json_file_name = 'soakDBDataFile.json'
# date for tasks
date =
# variables to check
findsoakdb_outfile = date.strftime('logs/soakDBfiles/soakDB_%Y%m%d.txt')
transfer_outfile = date.strftime('logs/transfer_logs/fedids_%Y%m%d%H.txt')
checkfiles_outfile = date.strftime('logs/checked_files/files_%Y%m%d%H.checked')
def setUpClass(cls):
# remove any previous soakDB file
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(cls.filepath, cls.db_file_name)):
os.remove(os.path.join(cls.filepath, cls.db_file_name))
# initialise db and json objects
cls.db = os.path.join(cls.filepath, cls.db_file_name)
json_file = json.load(open(os.path.join(cls.filepath, cls.json_file_name)))
# write json to sqlite file
conn = sqlite3.connect(cls.db)
df = pandas.DataFrame.from_dict(json_file)
df.to_sql("mainTable", conn, if_exists='replace')
cls.modification_date = get_mod_date(os.path.join(cls.filepath, cls.db_file_name))
print(str('mdate: ' + cls.modification_date))
# create log directories
shutil.copy(cls.db, f"/pipeline/tests/data/processing/database/{cls.db.split('/')[-1]}")
cls.db = os.path.join('/pipeline/tests/data/processing/database/', cls.db_file_name)
cls.newfile_outfile = str(cls.db + '_' + str(cls.modification_date) + '.transferred')
And then look at the specific task we want to run locally, to see what variables we need to give to the task for it to
run. For example, if I want to test transferring a new soakdb file to XCDB using luigi in my local dev env
(docker container), we can look at luigi_classes/
class TransferNewDataFile(luigi.Task):
"""Luigi Class to transfer changed files into XCDB
Requires :class:`CheckFiles` to be completed
:param luigi.Task: Task representation containing necessary input to perform function
:type luigi.Task: :class:`luigi.task.Task`
resources = {'django': 1}
data_file = luigi.Parameter()
soak_db_filepath = luigi.Parameter(default=SoakDBConfig().default_path)
We can see that we need a path for data_file
, which is the soakdb file we created earlier from the .json file, and a
which is the filepath that the upstream FindSoakDBFiles(luigi.Task)
task uses to search for soakdb
files. From the existing tests for CI/CD, we can use the same filepath used in db_filepath
. We just need to copy our
newly generated soakdb file there:
mkdir /pipeline/tests/data/lb13385-1/processing/database/
cp /pipeline/tests/data/soakdb_files/soakDBDataFile.sqlite /pipeline/tests/data/lb13385-1/processing/database/soakDBDataFile.sqlite
And now we have the two variables we need to test the TransferNewDataFile(luigi.Task)
data_file = '/pipeline/tests/data/lb13385-1/processing/database/soakDBDataFile.sqlite'
soak_db_filepath = '/pipeline/tests/data/lb13385-1/processing/database/'
Run ./
We started a luigi daemon ages ago. Now. we can run a task using the local scheduler. The docs are here: Using the TransferNewDataFile(luigi.Task)
task as an
example, we would run:
PYTHONPATH='.' luigi --module luigi_classes.transfer_soakdb TransferNewDataFile \
--data-file='/pipeline/tests/data/lb13385-1/processing/database/soakDBDataFile.sqlite' \
--soak-db-filepath='/pipeline/tests/data/lb13385-1/processing/database/' \
Note that we're providing the PYTHONPATH
variable as the local pipeline
directory that we're working, to give the
scheduler context of where to look for the luigi_classes
modules. We're also changing _
to -
in our variable names
for the task.
Filename: luigi.cfg.