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BleuRaven edited this page Aug 20, 2021 · 13 revisions

Alembic animation

Alembic export and import can take a lot of time.

  1. Select the asset you want to export (Armature with child or Mesh).
  2. Set the Export type property to "Export recursive".
  3. Check the box Export as "Alembic animation".
  4. Don't forget to check the box Alembic animation(s) in Asset types to export. Make sure that the animation was played at least once for baked cache. You can also use the command "bpy.ops.ptcache.bake_all()" to bake the physics.

Import Alembic assets in Unreal engine

  • For Alembic animations assets tick Merge Meshes.
  • Set ImportType to Skeletal.
  • Set FlipU to False and FlipV to True.
  • Set Scale to 100,-100,100 (xyz).
  • Set Rotation to 90,0,0 (xyz).
    Note: Alembic export and import can take a lot of time.
Alembic example:
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