Rev 0.3.0
== Rev 0.3.0 ==
- New: Text generator for export Skeletal Mesh Sockets in Unreal Engine (Copy / Paste).
- New: ExportAsProxy and ExportProxyChild options removed. That now Auto.
- New: Support Alembic import with import scripts.
- Change: Additional files use now Json.
- Fixed: Camera export don't work when any marker_sequences was created.
- Fixed: show asset(s) Button do script error when not object is selected.
- Fixed: Removed collision in export collision list do script error.
- Fixed: Collision on exported Instanced Collections don't work.
- Fixed: Sequencer Import Script don't work on older version of Unreal Engine because Python version is not the same.
- Fixed: Var Manual Focus Distance (Focus Settings) don't work in Sequencer Import Script.
- Fixed: When use Proxy Armature with sockets wrong bones with sockets name are exported.
- Fixed: Camera export don't work when scene has no timeline_markers.
- Fixed: Export Fail with animation when tweakmode is activated.
- Fixed: Lightmap res = 4 when export with not custom light map.
- Fixed: SkeletalMesh LOD Are imported as normal mesh.
- Fixed: Export dirs with invalid characters do script error.
- Fixed: Show collection Popup do script Error.
- Fixed: Collection export don't use SubCollection.