If anyone is having issues setting up Python FastAPI with Gcloud or Heroku, you may use this as a base-line example, with a registration/login and JWT return token.
- Gcloud was a way to complex for a simple Python API.
They started charging before the API was even established.
- Heroku hosts apps for free; and won't (or shouldn't) cap the API like Gcloud.
Longer life-cycle acceptance for hobbiests.
- When setting up the API I had to link a Github Repo (create one)
to the Heroku app (create a new one)
Save, commit and push your edits to your Git Repo.
- Conflicting plugins; JWT and PyJWT can not both exist at the same time; use PyJWT
That way you can get Tokens
Remember, Select BuildPack: heroku/python
- Settings -> Add buildpack -> heroku/python
Congrats, you got a live Python FastAPI and hopefully it was a lot less stressful than it was for me learning it on my own at home without any helpful resources online.
If this has helped you, please give me a star.
Good luck!