This project allows fuzzing on a ChipWhisperer-Nano. Other ChipWhisperer devices might work as well but are not tested.
usage: ChipFuzz [-h] [--output [OUTPUT]] [--input [INPUT]] [--radamsa]
[--loglevel [{0,1,2,3}]] [--length [LENGTH]] [--afl [AFL]]
Use chipwhisperer power traces as fuzzing coverage information
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--output [OUTPUT] Output directory for traces and corpus
--input [INPUT] Input corpus directory
--radamsa Use Radamsa for mutation
--loglevel [{0,1,2,3}]
Log output verbosity
--length [LENGTH] Length of fuzzinput (0 for unlimited)
--afl [AFL] AFL sync directory
--force_len Only use testcases of the length set by --length, this
restricts AFL imported ones to this length
By [email protected]
Fuzz testing on a ChipWhisperer is slow, but it might generate different corpus files than regular fuzzing that relies on more traditional instrumentation. The main issue with the approach is the missing depth-perception. We can only infer that two inputs cause a different behavious, but we cannot see whether that is due do new code-paths being traversed.