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Documentation for Centralised Authentication Management - Password Update System

This project is an extension for Keycloak which sends a user's username, password and allowed IP addresses to a RabbitMQ queue when a the user's password changes. This extension sends the password encrypted using an ECC (Elliptical Curve Cryptography) public key shared by a Python HTTP server. There is a python wrapper which retrieves the messages from RabbitMQ and runs the necessary code to update a user's password on Kali, RDG and Squid.

In this documentation, you will be required to follow any steps not contained within a dropdown. Anything else is either not necessary or may have multiple approaches.

If you want to run the system using Docker Compose, jump straight to Running with Docker Compose.

Table of Contents

Development Environment

During the development of this extension, the system which compiled the code had following:

Maven managed the dependencies and plugins:

  • Keycloak-services 25.0.2
  • APMQ-client 5.21.0
  • JSON 20240303
  • Eciesjava
  • Maven-compiler-plugin 3.13.0
  • Maven-shade-plugin 3.6.0

The Kali Linux virtual machine running the compiled code and Docker images had the following:

The file uses the following modules:

If you choose not to run in a Docker container, the requirements.txt file lists the necessary modules.

To use the code with different versions, follow the instructions for updating versions

Editing the Code

Required Changes

The following changes must be made in keycloak_password_interceptor/src/main/java/.../

  • Update the IP address responsible for producing the public key for encryption:

    try (CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault()) {
        HttpGet request = new HttpGet(""); // UPDATE THIS IP
  • Update the IP address, username, and password for the RabbitMQ server:

    factory.setHost(""); // UPDATE THIS TO IP FOR RABBITMQ SERVER
    factory.setUsername("guest"); // UPDATE TO RABBITMQ USERNAME
    factory.setPassword("guest"); // UPDATE TO RABBITMQ PASSWORD

The following change must be made in python/

  • Update the IP address, username and password for the RabbitMQ server:

    def main():
        credentials = pika.PlainCredentials('guest', 'guest') # UPDATE USERNAME, PASSWORD
        connection_params = pika.ConnectionParameters(
            host='', # UPDATE IP

The following change must be made in python/libs:

  • Replace the files inside the python/libs directory with the code to update users' details in Kali, RDG and Squid.

Updating Versions

Versions for keycloak_password_interceptor can be updated in the properties section of the keycloak_password_interceptor/pom.xml file:










The latest versions for dependencies and plugins can be found here.

Versions for python/ running in a Docker container can be updated in python/requirements.txt.

Compiling the Code

The code in keycloak_password_interceptor will require recompilation after any changes.

Install Maven. Then, inside the keycloak_password_interceptor directory, run the following command to compile the code:

$ mvn clean package

keycloak_password_interceptor/target/keycloak_password_interceptor-1.0.jar is the location of the compiled code.


Set Up Environment Variables

Create an environment variable on the host machine called KEY_PATH and set it's value to PATH/TO/Python/ECC_private_key.txt.

This can be done by editing the /etc/environment file on the system and appending the following line to the end of the file:


Reboot the system for changes to take effect.

This environment variable is used by python/ and python/ to access the file that stores the ECC private key for decryption.

Set Up Keycloak

Set up Keycloak with Docker using the following command:

$ docker run --name keycloak -p 8080:8080 -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN=admin -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin -v keycloak_data:/opt/keycloak/data start-dev

This command:

  • Names the container "keycloak"
  • Sets both the username and password to "admin"
  • Stores the container data in a volume named "keycloak_data"
  • Uses the latest container image
  • Uses development mode

Use the following commands to control the state of the container:

  •   $ docker stop keycloak
  •   $ docker start keycloak
  •   $ docker restart keycloak

This link contains instructions to set up a realm and users on Keycloak. Note that any users created before adding the extension to Keycloak will not result in a message being sent to RabbitMQ.

Set Up AllowedIPs Attribute

This attribute holds a list of IP addresses a user is allowed to access. It is an attribute for Keycloak users which RabbitMQ receives. If you do not set this attribute up, the value sent to RabbitMQ for the AllowedIPs will be an empty list.

Visit the Keycloak Administration Console. Make sure you have selected the correct realm from the dropdown in the sidebar menu. In the Configure section of this sidebar menu, visit Realm settings. Then select the User profile tab and press the create attribute button. Fill in the following settings exactly as shown below:

Attribute name: "allowedIPs", Display name: "${allowedIPs}", Multivalued: On

The value of this attribute can be edited from the Users section in the sidebar menu. When users log into their account, they do not see this attribute.

Set Up RabbitMQ

Set up RabbitMQ with Docker using the following command:

$ docker run --name rabbitmq -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER=guest -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS=guest -v rabbitmq_data:/var/lib/rabbitmq rabbitmq:management

This command:

  • Names the container "rabbitmq"
  • Sets both the username and password to "guest"
  • Stores the container data in a volume named "rabbitmq_data"
  • Uses the latest container image with the management plugin enabled

Use the following commands to control the state of the container:

  •   $ docker stop rabbitmq
  •   $ docker start rabbitmq
  •   $ docker restart rabbitmq

To view the management console, visit while the RabbitMQ Docker container is running.

The messages sent to RabbitMQ will be in the following form:


Set Up python/ with Docker

python/ can be run directly on the main system or within a Docker container.

To set up the container, inside the python directory, run the following command:

$ docker build -t python_container .

This command creates a container called python_container using the files in the python directory.

To run the container, use the following command:

$ docker run -it --rm -e KEY_PATH=/mnt/ECC_private_key.txt -v "$(dirname "$KEY_PATH"):/mnt" python_container:latest

This command:

  • displays the containers output in the terminal this command was run in
  • deletes the container once it is stopped
  • sets the KEY_PATH environment variable to `/mnt/ECC_private_key.txt
  • mounts the directory of the ECC_private_key.txt file from the host machine to the container's /mnt directory
  • runs the latest version of the container called python_container

Directory mounting is necessary as python/ does not run in this container so saves the ECC private keys needed for password decryption on the host machine. python/ needs to access this file from inside the Docker container when decrypting the passwords.

python/ also creates and deletes files in this mounted directory. This means, in order for python/ to work, the python folder on the host machine needs to have read and write permissions for all users.

Adding the Extension to Keycloak

Add the file keycloak_password_interceptor/target/keycloak_password_interceptor-1.0.jar into your Keycloak /providers directory. If you set up Docker as explained in the instructions to set up Keycloak, you can add the .jar file using the following command whilst the container is running:

$ docker cp PATH/TO/keycloak_password_interceptor-1.0.jar keycloak:/opt/keycloak/providers/

Next, restart the Docker container using:

$ docker restart keycloak

If you are not using a Docker container, you must run:

$ build 

This is located in /PATH/TO/KEYCLOAK/opt/keycloak/bin/

Running the Code

To run the code successfully, make sure you are running:

  • Keycloak (can be inside a Docker container)
  • RabbitMQ (can be inside a Docker container)
  • python/
  • python/ (can be inside a Docker container)

Running with Docker Compose

To run this system with Docker Compose, disregard most of the rest of this documentation.

Networking Information

Network Name IP Address Container Name
internal_1 Keycloak RabbitMQ
internal_2 Keycloak Postgres
internal_3 python_wrapper RabbitMQ
external_1 python_wrapper
host python_server

Editing the Code

Required Change

The following change must be made in keycloak_password_interceptor/src/main/java/.../

Update the IP address responsible for producing the public key for encryption to the IP of the host machine (the machine running Docker Compose):

try (CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault()) {
    HttpGet request = new HttpGet(""); // UPDATE THIS IP

Recompile the code as specified in Compiling the Code.

Update docker_compose/keycloak_password_interceptor-1.0.jar to this newly compiled file.

Updating the IP Addresses Used

To update all the IP addresses specified in docker_compose/compose.yaml, change the IP addresses in this file.

If You Update Keycloak's IP Address:

There are no updates needed to the code.

If You Update RabbitMQ's IP Address:

Follow Required Changes to update the IP address for RabbitMQ. Replace docker_compose/ and docker_compose/keycloak_password_interceptor-1.0.jar with the updated files.

If You Update Postgres' IP Address:

Edit the following part of the ENTRYPOINT line in docker_compose/keycloak_dockerfile to contain the new IP for Postgres:

If You Update python_wrapper's IP Address:

There are no updates needed to the code.

HTTPS Certificate

To connect Keycloak to a database, Keycloak needs to enforce HTTPS. To comply with this, docker_compose/keycloak.jks provides a self-signed certificate. Replace this file with a real certificate. Update the password used for this certificate in the following part of docker_compose/compose.yaml:


Also update the password in the following part of docker_compose/keycloak_dockerfile:


Running the System

Inside the docker_compose directory, run the follwoing command:

$ docker-compose up

To stop the system running, run the following command:

$ docker-compose down --remove-orphans

Once the system is running the Keycloak admin console can be accessed at:

The RabbitMQ Management Console can be accessed at:

Set up the allowedIPs attribute as specified in Set Up AllowedIPs Attribute

Code Explanation

All of the below files are located inside the docker_compose directory.


This is the same as python/libs.


This file sets up the Docker containers for this system.

The keycloak container depends on the postgres container and python_server container. This meansthe keycloak container won't run until those containers have been started.

The rabbitmq container performs a health check so it can be identified when the container is ready to accept connections.

The python_wrapper container depends on the rabbitmq container being "healthy" and the python_sever container having started. This means the python_wrapper container won't run until these conditions are met.


This file is used to set up the keycloak Docker container. It uses the latest Keycloak docker image. It then copies docker_compose/keycloak_password_interceptor-1.0.jar into the Keycloak providers directory on the container. It then copies docker_compose/keycloak.jks into the Keycloak conf directory on the container. The environment variables KEYCLOAK_TLS_KEYSTORE and KEYCLOAK_TLS_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD are set to reflect the HTTPS certificate location and password. The entrypoint is then set so that the container runs the following command when it starts:

$ ./opt/keycloak/bin/ start --https-key-store-file=/opt/keycloak/conf/keycloak.jks --db=postgres --db-url=jdbc:postgresql:// --db-username=user --db-password=password --db-schema=public --hostname-strict=false


This is the same as keycloak_password_interceptor/target/keycloak_password_interceptor-1.0.jar except it has had the IP addresses used updated to reflect the networks used by Docker Compose.

This is the same as python/python_server except it uses an environment variable to get the location to save the ECC private key to so that the python_wrapper can access this file.

This is the same as python/python_wrapper except it has had the IP addresses used updated to reflect the networks used by Docker Compose.


This file is used to set up the python_server Docker container. It installs the necessary libraries. from the docker_compose directory is then copied to the app directory inside the container. The mnt directory is created inside the container and both app and mnt are given full permissions for any user. A user called worker is then created on the machine. The current user is switched from root to worker. app/ is set to run (as the entrypoint) when the container is run.


This is the same as python/python_wrapper except it explicitly defines which files to copy to the container since there is no .dockerignore file in the docker_compose directory. It also doesn't set up the KEY_PATH environment variable as this is handled by docker_compose/compose.yaml.

Code Explanation

Encryption Information

python/ produces a public and private ECC key using the eciespy library using the secp256k1 curve (also known as NIST P-256 and prime256v1). For each HTTP request to, the Python server generates a new set of keys.

The public key uses X.509 format. The Python server DER encodes the key and Base64 encodes it. The Python server shares this key as the contents of the HTTP response.

Example response from

$ curl

The private key uses the PKCS#8 format. The Python server PEM encodes the key then saves it to python/ECC_private_key.txt

Example contents of ECC_private_key.txt


keycloak_password_interceptor/src/main/java/.../ retrieves the Base64 encoded public key in DER format via HTTP request from the Python server and decodes it from Base64. The provider then makes use of the eciesjava library and encrypts the password using ECIES (Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme). This is then and encoded using Base64.

python/ retrieves the encrypted password from RabbitMQ and saves the ECC private key from ECC_private_key.txt to a seperate file to enusure its contents isn't overwritten.

The decrypt_password() function in decodes the encrypted password from Base64. It then serialises the private key from PEM format so it can be used for decryption. It uses the eciespy libary to decrypt the password using the private key.


PasswordInterceptorProviderFactory implements Keycloak's CredentialProviderFactory and the create() method creates instances of PasswordInterceptorProvider. The getID() method returns the ID value assigned to this factory. All other methods are blank as the parent factory, CredentialProviderFactory provides the rest of the required functionality.

Keycloak's PasswordCredentialProviderFactory also implements CredentialProviderFactory and creates instances of Keycloak's PasswordCredentialProvider. The PROVIDER_ID variable in PasswordInterceptorProviderFactory therefore holds "keycloak-password" as Keycloak's PasswordCredentialProviderFactory uses "keycloak-password" as its ID value. Using a different ID activates both factories, causing each to create its respective instance of PasswordInterceptorProvider or PasswordCredentialProvider, which results in duplicated settings on users' account pages.


The file contains the logic to capture users' details, encrypt the password and send the details to RabbitMQ. This provider extends Keycloak's PasswordCredentialProvider. PasswordInterceptorProvider overwrites Keycloak's CreateCredential method and some of the code comes directly from the CreateCredential source code.

In PasswordInterceptorProvider, after the point in the code from CreateCredential that updates the user's password, the provider makes a HTTP request to the provided IP, attempting to get the public ECC key (which is in X.509 format, Base64 encoded and DER encoded). The provider then converts this key into a key object and uses it to encrypt the user's new password with ECIES, using eciesjava.

The provider creates a JSON object (and then converts it to a string), containing the user's username, encrypted password and the AllowedIPs attribute.

PasswordInterceptorProvider then tries to establish a connection with RabbitMQ using the provided IP address, port, username and password. The provider declares the necessary queues and exchanges for RabbitMQ (only creating them if they don't already exist).

The provider then sends the JSON string as a message to the queue.


This function takes the Base64 encoded encrypted password and the public key Base64 encoded and DER encoded as parameters.

It Base64 decodes the public key, meaning it is now just DER encoded. It then changes the key from DER format to a string of hex as this is the format needed for the eciesjava encryption function. The eciesjava encryption function is used to encrypt the password, returning a stringof hex that represents the encrypted password. This is then Base64 encoded. The function returns this Base64 encoded string that represents the encrypted password.


This function declares the RabbitMQ exchange and queues. It then binds the queues to the exchange.


The pom.xml file allows Maven to manage dependencies and plugins.

pom.xml contains 3 dependencies:

  • keycloak-services - to integrate with Keycloak
  • amqp-client - to integrate with RabbitMQ
  • json - to format the data as JSON

pom.xml contains 2 plugins:

  • maven-compiler-plugin - to specify the java version to use in compilation
  • maven-shade-plugin - to include the compiled code, including the amqp-client and json dependencies into a single file

The versions of these dependencies and plugins can be updated as explained in the instructions to update versions.


This file tells Keycloak that keycloak_password_interceptor/ is an implementation of the Keycloak's CredentialProviderFactory interface. In short, it is needed to make Keycloak recognise and load the extension.


For each request to, generates an ECC public and private key. The Private key uses the PKCS#8 format and is PEM encoded. The Python server prints this key to the terminal. The public key uses X.509 format and is DER encoded then Base64 encoded. The Python server shares the public key as the content of the HTTP response.

python/ retrieves messages from RabbitMQ, attempts the decrypt the password and send it to the code in /python/libs to update the user's information on Kali, RDG and Squid. If this fails, exponential backoff is used when retrying to process the message. After 1 fail, the message is processed again after 5 minutes, if this fails, it is tried again after 25 minutes. The 6th and final attempt has a delay of 3125 minutes (2 days, 4 hours, 5 minutes). If the message still cannot be successfully processed, it is sent to a RabbitMQ queue where it can be manually retrieved and dealt with. When a message is processed successfully, it is removed from all RabbitMQ queues.

RabbitMQ Queues

The queues on used on RabbitMQ to implement exponential backoff work as follows:
  • Messages are sent to main_queue by keycloak_password_interceptor/src/main/java/.../

    • The message is processed.
    • The mesage is removed from the queue
  • If an error occured while processing it, the message is sent to waiting_5_min.

    • After 5 minutes, the message expires on the waiting_5_min queue.
    • It is removed from the queue
  • It is sent to the retry queue.

    • The message is processed.
    • The mesage is removed from the queue
  • If an error occured while processing it, the message is sent to waiting_25_min.

    • After 25 minutes, the message expires on the waiting_25_min queue.
    • It is removed from the queue
  • It is sent to the retry queue.

    • The message is processed.
    • The mesage is removed from the queue
  • If an error occured while processing it, the message is sent to waiting_125_min.

    • After 125 minutes, the message expires on the waiting_125_min queue.
    • It is removed from the queue
  • It is sent to the retry queue.

    • The message is processed.
    • The mesage is removed from the queue
  • If an error occured while processing it, the message is sent to waiting_625_min

    • After 625 minutes, the message expires on the waiting_625_min queue.
    • It is removed from the queue
  • It is sent to the retry queue.

    • The message is processed.
    • The mesage is removed from the queue
  • If an error occured while processing it, the message is sent to waiting_3125_min

    • After 3125 minutes, the message expires on the waiting_3125_min queue.
    • It is removed from the queue
  • It is sent to the retry queue.

    • The message is processed.
    • The mesage is removed from the queue
  • If an error occured while processing it, the message is sent to failed_messages.

The following diagram also shows the route a message will take through the queues if it fails to be processed each time: Diagram showing the route a message will take through the queues


This function returns the current date and time.


This function takes the RabbitMQ connection channel as a parameter and uses this to declare the RabbitMQ exchange and queues. It then binds the queues to the exchange.


This function takes the body of the message and the number associate with its decryption key as parameters. It extracts the username, encrypted password and allowedIPs values from the JSON in the message body. It then calls the decrypt_password(), update_machines() and delete_file() functions. This function returns an error code to represent if it executed successfully. An error code of 0 means there were no errors and an error code of 1 means there was an error.


This function takes the encrypted password and the number associated with its decryption key as parameters. It checks the file containing the decryption key exists and then retrieves the PEM encoded ECC decryption key from it. It then serialises the private key using it with the eciespy library to decrypt the encrypted password. The function then returns the plaintext password and an error code. An error code of 0 means there were no errors and an error code of 1 means there was an error.


For each IP address in the allowedIPs attribute, this function calls the necessary methods in python/libs to update the user's details in Kali, RDG and Squid. This function returns an error code to represent if it executed successfully. An error code of 0 means there were no errors and an error code of 1 means there was an error.


This function takes the private key stored in python/ECC_private_key.txt and saves it to a new file. This is necessary to stop the private key in ECC_private_key being overwritten in case multiple messages arrive in the main_queue in a short amount of time.

The function generates a random 3 digit code and checks if a decryption key file already uses this code in its name. If the code is alrady used, another code is generated, until a unique code is found. The private key is then saved in a file which uses this code in its name. This function then returns this 3 digit code associated with the decryption key for that message and an error code. An error code of 0 means there were no errors and an error code of 1 means there was an error.


This function takes the number associated with the decryption file to be deleted as a parameter. It then checks if this file exists and then deletes the file.


This function runs when a message arrives in the main_queue. It extracts the message and then runs the save_key() and process_message() functions. It then removes the message from the main_queue. If an error occured at any point when processing the message, the message is sent to the waiting_5_min queue, with the header containing the number linked to this messages decryption key (returned by the save_key() function).


This function runs when a message arrives in the retry queue. It extracts the message and its headers and then runs the process_message() function. The message is then removed from the retry queue. If an error occured at any point when processing the message, the function determines which queue to send the message to next based on how many times it has been retried. The number of times a message has been retried is stored in the header of each message. The message is then sent to the appropriate queue with the retry-count header updated.


This function initialises the connection to the RabbitMQ server and calls the setup_queues_and_exchange() function. It then links the main_queue and retry queue to their respective callback functions.


This file is used to set up python/ in a Docker container. It sets the KEY_PATH enviroment variable in the container to the same value held in the KEY_PATH environment variable on the host machine. It then installs the necessary libraries, including those in python/requirements.txt. The files from the python directory are then copied to the app directory inside the container, excluding files listed in python/.dockerignore. The mnt directory is created inside the container and both app and mnt are given full permissions for any user. A user called worker is then created on the machine. The current user is switched from root to worker. app/ is set to run (as the entrypoint) when the container is run.


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