Random tools I've put together to simplify my life inside a terminal
For running the tests, you need to install the "coverage" package, preferably with pip from venv and run the tests by executing the following commands:
coverage run --source '.' -m unittest -v
coverage report -m
I use a photo management workflow outside the MacOS ecosystem where I first copy all iPhone/iPad files to the file system using PhotoSync, then copy the images to a date based file structure (i.e YYYY/MM/DD) using this script.
- exiftool
./copy_images_to_EXIF_date_structure.py <image_folder>
Transliterate from the latin alphabet and som different futharks (runic alohabets) and vice versa
boran@amair:~/repos/git/public_wzir/misc_scripts> ./futhark.py
Enter text: Thorleif reste denna sten
A simple tool for managing a TODO list stored as .todo.txt in the home directory. Create a link 't' in your bin directory for easier access to it.
usage: -h [-had] text
a "text to add # add task
d <number> # delete task
l (or no argument # list tasks
Example Usage:
t a "first entry"
Added: first entry
t a "second entry"
Added: second entry
1 first entry
2 second entry
d 2
Removed second entry