Musket is a high-level approach to simplify the creation of parallel programs. It is based on the domain-specific-language Musket which uses the concepts of algorithmic skeletons.
- An eclipse installation and java
- Help > Install new software...
- “Add...“ new update site (Name: Xtext; Location:
- Install “XtendIDE” and “XtextComplete SDK” from the Xtextgroup (currently version 2.13)
- Restart Eclipse
- Import 5 musket projects de.wwu.musket{~, ~.ide, ~.tests., ~.ui, ~.ui.tests} into workspace
- Right-click on de.wwu.musket/src/GenerateMusket.mwe2 > Run as > MWE2 workflow
- When asked “Do you agree to download ...”, type y in the console of Eclipse and hit enter
- To start the editor start a new Eclipse instance (“Launch Runtime Eclipse” from the Run dropdown menu).
- If this doesn’t exist, go to Run dropdown menu > “Run configurations” > Add new “Eclipse Application”
- In the new (inner) Eclipse, import project de.wwu.musket.models