ROS2 is a growing backbone for a variety of robotic systems. While the ROS2 Documentation is much better than that for ROS, there are significant gaps in knowledge (or a least it can be difficult to find) in forums and the documentation. The intent of these tutorials is to highlight some of the features that are less commonly known or lack readily accessible documentation (beyond the API/source code). Additionally, for the purposes of this code, we assume relatively new users to note only ROS2 but also programming more broadly. As such, there is great emphasis of highlighting edge cases and poking at the implications of the ROS2 structure. We hope this will also contribute to understanding possible paradigms of writing software with ROS2 and how these interact with intended use.
logging in class (node objects)
logging in main
logging severity and flags
logging with expressions
logging with functions
logging once
logging skipfirst
logging with stream
logging with throttling
Launch examples highlighting different sytanx options
Single Threading with Executors
Multithreading examples (tbd)
Picking at wall timer based paradigms and other features
getting basic parameters (int/double and similar types, strings, chars, bools, etc)
getting vectors of parameters
getting more complex parameter data and scope
spin some
spin until future completed
Check back for logging ROS message datatypes with stream
Try to implement Logging with functions for non-static member variables
Work on ReadTheDocs based documentation to provide commentary on the lessons gleaned from examples