A runtime system to schedule futures in a non-parsimonious manner. Instead of popping tasks off of the bottom of the worker's deque when touching a future that is not yet ready, this runtime will suspend the entire deque and look to steal. Counterintuitively, this results in a better bound on the number of deviations incurred when running a program on multiple cores. You can find more details in the PPoPP 2019 paper Proactive Work Stealing for Futures.
Currently, you need to build the library and link it statically, although there is no technical reason why this couldn't be a dynamically-loaded library. This library relies on modifications to the Cilk runtime library (provided in the cilkrtssuspend directory), as well as a special compiler that won't inline some Cilk helper functions. You can find such a compiler here.
The code in this repository is licensed under The MIT License (see LICENSE) except for the runtime modifications in cilkrtssupend, which is separately licensed. Note that some scripts in this repository access other open source projects, which are licensed separately.
A relatively recent version of Linux is recommended. ProWS was tested on Ubuntu 16.04, but is expected to run correctly in other Linux distributions.
In its current state, it is expected (and strongly encouraged) that the system is built within a Docker container, for which scripts to both create and launch have been provided. The included Docker container has all libraries required to both build and run all compilers, runtimes, and benchmarks included in this project. All scripts and Makefile resources have been optimized for the included Docker container environment. Most of our testing used Docker version 18.09.0, build 4d60db4, but was also tested for functionality in one of the 17.xx.x releases provided in the Ubuntu 16.04 repositories (package docker.io). This reliance on Docker is not inherent to the system, but should make the artifact evalutaion process easier.
For those interested in compiling the software in their operating system rather than in a Docker container, the GNU gold linker should be installed as ld. This requirement may be eliminated as the project is refactored. Compiling the ferret benchmark requires additional dependencies. A full list of package dependencies for an Ubuntu 16.04 system can be found by looking at the included Dockerfile.
Before installation, make sure to install the Docker container system. Docker can be obtained either through your operating systems package manager or by downloading from the Docker website here.
The script build-docker.sh will build the Docker container that has all the libraries needed to build and run any code contained in this repository.
The script start-docker.sh will start the Docker container and set up the Docker container environment. It is strongly recommended that you use this script whenever you start the Docker container.
The script setup.sh should build the modified compiler, the SuperMalloc library, all required Cilk Plus runtimes, and all benchmarks. It is specifically set up to enforce use of the Docker container.
It is recommended that the benchmarks are run within the provided Docker container. When the Docker container is started with the start-docker.sh script, the location of the SuperMalloc library is added to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to allow the linker to locate it when dynamic libraries are loaded as part of the binary execution process.
In order to run all benchmarks related to the Proactive Work-Stealing for Futures paper, run the run-benchmarks.py script from the root directory of the repository (from within the Docker container). This will both run all of the benchmarks and store the data in a file named all_data.csv. The data for each benchmark also gets stored in individual csv files within a directory named bench-results.
The run-benchmarks.py script can be customized by modifying the benchargs.py configuration script in the root of the repository. This file contains a list of the CPU counts to run the benchmark on (the core_counts list), As well as a dictionary that maps binary names to both the arguments to use for the binary and the number of times to run that binary (the bench_args dictionary). Within the bench_args dictionary, the keys are the names of what to run and the entries are themselves dictionaries. The dictionaries stored in the bench_args dictionary contain a mapping from the string 'args' to the argument string used on the command line, as well as a mapping from the string 'runs' to the number of times to run the benchmark. More benchmarks can be added to the script by adding them to this dictionary, and the arguments to each benchmark can be changed by modifying the string in the 'args' mapping. For a description of how the provided benchmarks are invoked, see the included benchmark_list.txt file. In order to run the same benchmark multiple times but with different arguments, simply add a new entry for the benchmark with a number appended to the name. An example of this can be seen in the included benchargs.py file, where there are two different configurations for the lcs benchmark. Note that this means the script requires that all binary names end with non-numeric text, as they get stripped from the binary name provided in the dictionary (i.e. the script will execute lcs-fj rather than a binary named lcs-fj2 in the example in benchargs.py).
The Docker container is recommended because it has all the dependencies installed, and the overhead of the container is so low that we did not notice any difference between our benchmark results when run in the container versus when run directly in the host Linux machine. Even though the use of a Docker container allows for the benchmarks to be run under any operating system that supports the use of Docker containers, it is recommended that the Docker container is only run from within a Linux operating system. Only in Linux operating systems do the host operating system and the guest operating system (the one in the container) share the same kernel process. For all other operating systems, Docker runs a Linux virtual machine on top of which the containers run.
cilkrtssuspend is the folder containing the Cilk-F runtime source code.
The code changes most relevant to scheduling occur in:
In scheduler.c, perhaps the most relevant function to Cilk-F's ProWS scheduling algorithm is the random_steal function, though the entire file is dedicated to tasks related to scheduling.
The deque.c file contains code related to the management of individual deques, whereas the deque_pool.c file contains code primarily related to managing suspended deques.
The future.h file makes the calls into the runtime that handle suspending deques and making them resumable again.
Please use the following citiation when using this software in your work:
Kyle Singer, Yifan Xu, and I-Ting Angelina Lee, "Proactive Work Stealing for Futures", Proceedings of the 24th Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP), 2019. Available: https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3295735.
This research was supported in part by National Science Foundation under grants number CCF-1150036, CCF-1527692, and CCF-1733873.
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.