Cross-Platform Golf game in OpenGL. Faculty project for course Computer Graphics.
- Prerequisites:
- cmake binaries
- Visual Studio
> mkdir build && cd build > cmake .. > cmake --build . > cd bin/GolfGL/$[Debug | Release] > GolfGL.exe
- Prerequisites:
$ sudo apt install g++ cmake git build-essential libgl1-mesa-dev libsoil-dev libglm-dev libassimp-dev libglew-dev libglfw3-dev libxinerama-dev libxcursor-dev libxi-dev mesa-common-dev mesa-utils libxxf86vm-dev libfreetype6-dev
$ mkdir build && cd build $ cmake .. $ make $ cd bin/GolfGL && ./GolfGL
Key | Action |
Camera Movement | |
W | Forward |
S | Back |
A | Left |
D | Right |
Ball | |
Space | Shoot |
General | |
Esc | Exit |
- Supports motion blurred vision
- Supports camera following the ball
- Supports adjusting the ball speed