What is wrapTMDB ?
is a wrapper collection for wrapping TMDB API from their doc and implementing in different program languages.
It helps developer to request Movies or TV shows for infomation and metadata.
This repo written by Golang and publich in pkg.go,
see more here.
- If you want to make a client to track new movies infomation.
- If you want to make a tool helping you to manage your movie files or videos.
- Even if you want to make a application to replace TMDB offical website. (( lmao
- ...
$go get github.com/wrapTMDB/wraptmdb_go
Before use this tool, make sure already have your api_key.
package main
import (
wraptmdb "github.com/wrapTMDB/wraptmdb_go"
func main() {
wraptmdb.Init("Your api_key")
"User-Agent": "wraptmdb-go dev",
"Referer": "wraptmdb-go",
//call function
msg := wraptmdb.Movies.GetDetail("624860", "")
data := wrapTMDB.Movies.GetDetails("624860");
data := wrapTMDB.Collections.GetTranslations("654321", "en-US");
data := wrapTMDB.TVseasons.GetImages("54321", "65421", "en-US");
$git clone https://github.com/wrapTMDB/wraptmdb_go &&
npm install ||
touch src/main.go
*** leave a star, hope this tool would give you a big help. ***
Any request are welcome.