Installation wpCPR isn't available from CRAN yet, but you can get it from github with:
# load package
Dependencies for the wpCPR package include: R (>= 3.5.0), rgdal,geojsonio,httr,sf,raster,jsonlite
After installation you should be able to use a main function from the library:
- wpCPRPopulation
This function will submitt a custom polygon to WorldPop API to get a estimated population for each polygons.
wpCPRPopulation (year=2000,
- year is a year of dataset (2000-2020), default is 2000
- shapeFilePath path to the shapefile
- outputFilePath Optional parameterThe path to the output CVS file. If filename does not exist, the file is created.
- apikey Optional parameter. API key to access the WorldPop API if not specify user will have limitation on functionality of hte API
- callbacktime Default is 5 sec. TIme to call the API server
- maxexectime Default is 3600 sec. Max execution time of the request.
- apiurl URL to WorldPop API (Defaiilt
- verbose If TRUE then the progress will be shown (Defailt FALSE)
wpCPRPopulation (year=2000,shapeFilePath="/home/user/myshapefile.shp", verbose=FALSE)
wpCPRDemographic function can be used yo get a total subnational population age-sex structures
Contributing The WorldPop Custom Polygon Request (wpCPR) was developed by the WorldPop Research Group within the Department of Geography and Environmental Science at the University of Southampton. Funding was provided by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the United Kingdom Department for International Development. The wpCPR R package was developed by Maksym Bondarenko. wpCPR is using REST API to query the population data produced in the framework of Global High Resolution Population Denominators Project - Funded by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (OPP1134076).