Inspects oEmbed providers, clears embed cache, and more.
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This package implements the following commands:
Inspects oEmbed providers, clears embed cache, and more.
wp embed
# Get embed HTML for a given URL.
$ wp embed fetch
<iframe width="525" height="295" src="" ...
# Find cache post ID for a given URL.
$ wp embed cache find --width=500
# List format,endpoint fields of available providers.
$ wp embed provider list
| format | endpoint |
| #https?://youtu\.be/.*#i | |
| #https?://flic\.kr/.*#i | |
| #https?://wordpress\.tv/.*#i | |
# List id,regex,priority fields of available handlers.
$ wp embed handler list --fields=priority,id
| priority | id |
| 10 | youtube_embed_url |
| 9999 | audio |
| 9999 | video |
Attempts to convert a URL into embed HTML.
wp embed fetch <url> [--width=<width>] [--height=<height>] [--post-id=<id>] [--discover] [--skip-cache] [--skip-sanitization] [--do-shortcode] [--limit-response-size=<size>] [--raw] [--raw-format=<json|xml>]
In non-raw mode, starts by checking the URL against the regex of the registered embed handlers. If none of the regex matches and it's enabled, then the URL will be given to the WP_oEmbed class.
In raw mode, checks the providers directly and returns the data.
URL to retrieve oEmbed data for.
Width of the embed in pixels.
Height of the embed in pixels.
Cache oEmbed response for a given post.
Enable oEmbed discovery. Defaults to true.
Ignore already cached oEmbed responses. Has no effect if using the 'raw' option, which doesn't use the cache.
Remove the filter that WordPress from 4.4 onwards uses to sanitize oEmbed responses. Has no effect if using the 'raw' option, which by-passes sanitization.
If the URL is handled by a registered embed handler and returns a shortcode, do shortcode and return result. Has no effect if using the 'raw' option, which by-passes handlers.
Limit the size of the resulting HTML when using discovery. Default 150 KB (the standard WordPress limit). Not compatible with 'no-discover'.
Return the raw oEmbed response instead of the resulting HTML. Ignores the cache and does not sanitize responses or use registered embed handlers.
Render raw oEmbed data in a particular format. Defaults to json. Can only be specified in conjunction with the 'raw' option.
- json
- xml
# Get embed HTML for a given URL.
$ wp embed fetch
<iframe width="525" height="295" src="" ...
# Get raw oEmbed data for a given URL.
$ wp embed fetch --raw
{"author_url":"https:\/\/\/user\/RickAstleyVEVO","width":525,"version":"1.0", ...
Retrieves oEmbed providers.
wp embed provider
# List format,endpoint fields of available providers.
$ wp embed provider list
| format | endpoint |
| #https?://youtu\.be/.*#i | |
| #https?://flic\.kr/.*#i | |
| #https?://wordpress\.tv/.*#i | |
# Get the matching provider for the URL.
$ wp embed provider match
Lists all available oEmbed providers.
wp embed provider list [--field=<field>] [--fields=<fields>] [--format=<format>] [--force-regex]
Display the value of a single field
Limit the output to specific fields.
Render output in a particular format.
default: table
- table
- csv
- json
Turn the asterisk-type provider URLs into regexes.
These fields will be displayed by default for each provider:
- format
- endpoint
This field is optionally available:
- regex
# List format,endpoint fields of available providers.
$ wp embed provider list --fields=format,endpoint
| format | endpoint |
| #https?://youtu\.be/.*#i | |
| #https?://flic\.kr/.*#i | |
| #https?://wordpress\.tv/.*#i | |
Gets the matching provider for a given URL.
wp embed provider match <url> [--discover] [--limit-response-size=<size>] [--link-type=<json|xml>]
URL to retrieve provider for.
Whether to use oEmbed discovery or not. Defaults to true.
Limit the size of the resulting HTML when using discovery. Default 150 KB (the standard WordPress limit). Not compatible with 'no-discover'.
Whether to accept only a certain link type when using discovery. Defaults to any (json or xml), preferring json. Not compatible with 'no-discover'.
- json
- xml
# Get the matching provider for the URL.
$ wp embed provider match
Retrieves embed handlers.
wp embed handler
# List id,regex,priority fields of available handlers.
$ wp embed handler list --fields=priority,id
| priority | id |
| 10 | youtube_embed_url |
| 9999 | audio |
| 9999 | video |
Lists all available embed handlers.
wp embed handler list [--field=<field>] [--fields=<fields>] [--format=<format>]
Display the value of a single field
Limit the output to specific fields.
Render output in a particular format.
default: table
- table
- csv
- json
These fields will be displayed by default for each handler:
- id
- regex
These fields are optionally available:
- callback
- priority
# List id,regex,priority fields of available handlers.
$ wp embed handler list --fields=priority,id
| priority | id |
| 10 | youtube_embed_url |
| 9999 | audio |
| 9999 | video |
Finds, triggers, and deletes oEmbed caches.
wp embed cache
# Find cache post ID for a given URL.
$ wp embed cache find --width=500
# Clear cache for a post.
$ wp embed cache clear 123
Success: Cleared oEmbed cache.
# Triggers cache for a post.
$ wp embed cache trigger 456
Success: Caching triggered!
Deletes all oEmbed caches for a given post.
wp embed cache clear <post_id>
oEmbed caches for a post are stored in the post's metadata.
ID of the post to clear the cache for.
# Clear cache for a post
$ wp embed cache clear 123
Success: Cleared oEmbed cache.
Finds an oEmbed cache post ID for a given URL.
wp embed cache find <url> [--width=<width>] [--height=<height>] [--discover]
Starting with WordPress 4.9, embeds that aren't associated with a specific post will be cached in a new oembed_cache post type. There can be more than one such entry for a url depending on attributes and context.
Not to be confused with oEmbed caches for a given post which are stored in the post's metadata.
URL to retrieve oEmbed data for.
Width of the embed in pixels. Part of cache key so must match. Defaults to `content_width` if set else 500px, so is theme and context dependent.
Height of the embed in pixels. Part of cache key so must match. Defaults to 1.5 * default width (`content_width` or 500px), to a maximum of 1000px.
Whether to search with the discover attribute set or not. Part of cache key so must match. If not given, will search with attribute: unset, '1', '0', returning first.
# Find cache post ID for a given URL.
$ wp embed cache find --width=500
Triggers the caching of all oEmbed results for a given post.
wp embed cache trigger <post_id>
oEmbed caches for a post are stored in the post's metadata.
ID of the post to do the caching for.
# Triggers cache for a post
$ wp embed cache trigger 456
Success: Caching triggered!
This package is included with WP-CLI itself, no additional installation necessary.
To install the latest version of this package over what's included in WP-CLI, run:
wp package install [email protected]:wp-cli/embed-command.git
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