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Demo Cross-Chain Token Transfer

This repository demonstrates how to deploy and interact with smart contracts for transferring ERC-20 tokens across different blockchains using the Wormhole Protocol. Additionally, it provides a utility to verify whether a token is attested on the target chain before attempting a cross-chain transfer. This ensures that the token can be transferred smoothly across chains using the Wormhole Bridge.


Before using this project, make sure you have the following:

  • Node.js and npm
  • Forge (for compiling and testing smart contracts)
  • A funded wallet with TestNet tokens for deployment and transfers

Getting Started

1. Clone the repository and navigate to the project directory:

  git clone
  cd demo-cross-chain-token-transfer

2. Install the project dependencies:

  npm install

3. Set up environment variables:

Create a .env file in the root directory and add your private key:


NOTE: This private key should be funded with TestNet tokens on the chains you want to use.

4. Configure the chains:

Edit the config.js file to include the chain IDs, contract addresses, and RPC URLs for the chains you want to use.

5. Compile the smart contracts:

  forge compile


To deploy the smart contracts:

  npm run deploy
  • You will be prompted to select the source and target chains for deployment
  • The deployed contract addresses will be saved and updated in deploy-config/contracts.json

Verify Token Attestation

Before initiating a cross-chain token transfer, it's recommended to check if the desired token is attested on the target chain. This ensures that the token can be successfully transferred.

1. Run the token attestation check script:

  npm run verify

2. Follow the prompts to input:

  • The RPC URL of the target chain
  • The Token Bridge contract address on the target chain
  • The token contract address on the source chain
  • The source chain ID

The script will inform you if the token has been attested on the target chain, providing the wrapped token address if it exists.

Token Transfer

To initiate a token transfer across chains:

  npm run transfer
  • You will be prompted to select the source and target chains for the transfer
  • Provide the token address, recipient address on the target chain, and the amount to transfer

Recommended Test Setup: Transfer USDC

To test the cross-chain transfer, I recommend using the USDC token, as it’s widely supported across different TestNets.

  • USDC Token Address on Avalanche Fuji: 0x5425890298aed601595a70ab815c96711a31bc65
  • USDC Token Address on Celo Alfajores: 0x2F25deB3848C207fc8E0c34035B3Ba7fC157602B

You can obtain USDC on TestNets via the official USDC faucet:

Once you have USDC, use the addresses above to transfer between TestNets.

Contracts Overview

The project includes two main contracts:

  • CrossChainSender - handles sending tokens from the source chain
  • CrossChainReceiver - handles receiving tokens on the target chain

Project Structure

  • src/ - contains the Solidity smart contracts
  • script/ - contains TypeScript scripts for deployment and token transfers
  • deploy-config/ - configuration files for the chains and deployed contracts
  • out/ - contains the compiled contract ABIs and bytecode


  • Ensure your wallet has enough TestNet tokens to cover gas fees on both the source and target chains.
  • Once the transaction is completed, you can check its status using the Wormhole Explorer. Just enter the transaction hash to see detailed information.
  • If the token isn’t visible in your wallet on the target chain, the Wormhole Explorer provides a button to automatically add it to MetaMask on the target chain, allowing you to view the updated balance immediately.