[BE] feat: 꿀조합 댓글 작성 기능 구현 #307
4 errors and 3 warnings
RecipeServiceTest$getCommentsOfRecipe_성공_테스트.꿀조합에 달린 댓글들을 커서페이징을 통해 조회할 수 있다 총 댓글 15개 중 첫페이지 댓글 10개조회:
org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: org.hibernate.TransientPropertyValueException: object references an unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance before flushing : com.funeat.product.domain.Product.category -> com.funeat.product.domain.Category; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: org.hibernate.TransientPropertyValueException: object references an unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance before flushing : com.funeat.product.domain.Product.category -> com.funeat.product.domain.Category
RecipeServiceTest$getCommentsOfRecipe_성공_테스트.꿀조합에 달린 댓글들을 커서페이징을 통해 조회할 수 있다 총 댓글 15개 중 마지막페이지 댓글 5개조회:
org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: org.hibernate.TransientPropertyValueException: object references an unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance before flushing : com.funeat.product.domain.Product.category -> com.funeat.product.domain.Category; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: org.hibernate.TransientPropertyValueException: object references an unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance before flushing : com.funeat.product.domain.Product.category -> com.funeat.product.domain.Category
RecipeServiceTest$getSortingRecipes_성공_테스트.꿀조합을 최신순으로 정렬할 수 있다:
Expecting actual:
to be equal to:
when recursively comparing field by field, but found the following 8 differences:
field/property '[0].favoriteCount' differ:
- actual value : 3L
- expected value: 2L
field/property '[0].id' differ:
- actual value : 2L
- expected value: 3L
field/property '[0].image' differ:
- actual value : "제일로 맛없는 사진"
- expected value: null
field/property '[0].products' differ:
- actual value : [com.funeat.recipe.dto.ProductRecipeDto@1766f744,
- expected value: []
actual and expected values are collections of different size, actual size=2 when expected size=0
field/property '[1].favoriteCount' differ:
- actual value : 2L
- expected value: 3L
field/property '[1].id' differ:
- actual value : 3L
- expected value: 2L
field/property '[1].image' differ:
- actual value : null
- expected value: "제일로 맛없는 사진"
field/property '[1].products' differ:
- actual value : []
- expected value: [com.funeat.recipe.dto.ProductRecipeDto@7c0c3319,
actual and expected values are collections of different size, actual size=0 when expected size=2
The recursive comparison was performed with this configuration:
- no overridden equals methods were used in the comparison (except for java types)
- these types were compared with the following comparators:
- java.lang.Double -> DoubleComparator[precision=1.0E-15]
- java.lang.Float -> FloatComparator[precision=1.0E-6]
- java.nio.file.Path -> lexicographic comparator (Path natural order)
- actual and expected objects and their fields were compared field by field recursively even if they were not of the same type, this allows for example to compare a Person to a PersonDto (call strictTypeChecking(true) to change that behavior).
Process completed with exit code 1.
꿀조합을 최신순으로 정렬할 수 있다 (com.funeat.recipe.application.RecipeServiceTest$getSortingRecipes_성공_테스트) failed:
backend/build/test-results/test/TEST-com.funeat.recipe.application.RecipeServiceTest$getSortingRecipes_#c131#acf5_#d14c#c2a4#d2b8.xml [took 0s]
꿀조합에 달린 댓글들을 커서페이징을 통해 조회할 수 있다 총 댓글 15개 중 첫페이지 댓글 10개조회 (com.funeat.recipe.application.RecipeServiceTest$getCommentsOfRecipe_성공_테스트) failed:
backend/build/test-results/test/TEST-com.funeat.recipe.application.RecipeServiceTest$getCommentsOfRecipe_#c131#acf5_#d14c#c2a4#d2b8.xml [took 0s]
꿀조합에 달린 댓글들을 커서페이징을 통해 조회할 수 있다 총 댓글 15개 중 마지막페이지 댓글 5개조회 (com.funeat.recipe.application.RecipeServiceTest$getCommentsOfRecipe_성공_테스트) failed:
backend/build/test-results/test/TEST-com.funeat.recipe.application.RecipeServiceTest$getCommentsOfRecipe_#c131#acf5_#d14c#c2a4#d2b8.xml [took 0s]