This is the ultra-stable backbone full node and wallet for woodcoin, the project aiming to be the longest lived and cheapest public blockchain.
openssl version OpenSSL 1.1.0g 2 Nov 2017
If you have OpenSSL v. 1.0.x please use the "woodcoin-openssl-1.0" version of this repository located here:
The Woodcoin block chain is a log structured database.
The money supply is logarithmic.
The unit is log.
Dedicated to Log, Twig, Chip, Woody, and the rest of all y'all.
Technical Details:
RPC Port = 9338
P2P Ports = 8338 (testnet 18338)
In Wallet mining/logging = Console, "setgenerate true"
120 Second Block Target, Diff Retarget every 1 hour
30 Confirms for spendable-coins
Block reward = Harmonic Series
1000000/nHeight logs (after first 100 blocks which form unspendable forest of 5187377 logs)
Money Supply = 1000000*(log(nHeight) + gamma) gamma=Euler-Mascheroni constant
ECDSA curve: X9_62_prime256v1
Algo = Pure Skein (double skein) Bruce Schneier is a lumberjack and NSA didn't choose this algo.
Some binaries are stored at the following:
We try to keep Woodcoin accessible to all.
============================================= Build Instructions
You will need these dependencies or equivalent:
sudo apt-get install git build-essential libboost-all-dev libssl-dev qt-sdk libdb-dev libdb++-dev libminiupnpc-dev libqrencode-dev
Get the source with this command:
git clone
To build woodcoin-qt issue “qmake” and then “make“. qt4 is required, on some systems you may need to issue “export QT_SELECT=qt4” to ensure the proper version is used.
To build woodcoind by itself navigate to /src/ and issue make -f makefile.unix.
To start woodcutting with woodcoind, simply launch it like this:
./woodcoind setgenerate true
For the graphical client, simply go into the debug window (under Help) and type:
setgenerate true
v1.0 - Baruk Khazad! Woodcutting for the masses.
v1.1 - Hard fork to litecoin branch. Block 3002.
v1.2 - Solidifying full node w/ version update. Block 962000