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CCBR CRISPRSeq Screen Framework

This is a repository for analyzing CRISPR screening data generated from CRISPR KO libraries like the GeCKO library ( and the TKO library (

Initial alignment to the reference library is performed using MAGeCK, and tests for gene essentiality can be conducted using either MAGeCK or BAGEL2. Further analysis with drug treatment can performed with the drugZ package.

Note: Any text contained within diagonal brackets <like this> indicates a field that the user fills out.

Setup to run on the NIH Biowulf HPC Cluster via MacOS

Open a terminal window and log into Biowulf

ssh -Y

Change to a desired directory:

cd <directory-path>

For example

cd /data/username

Initialize an interactive node with a tunnel

sinteractive --mem=64g --cpus-per-task=8 --tunnel --time=24:00:00

Load required packages directly from Biowulf

module load python
module load mageck
module load mageck-vispr 

If necessary, install BAGEL2 and drugz from Github

git clone
git clone

Running CRISPR screening tools independently

Running MAGeCK to count sgRNAs from FASTQ files

Locate the following files and and note the path to the files

  • FASTQ raw reads file
  • sgRNA library file

The sgRNA library file must be 1-to-1 (1 gRNA for each PAM binding site), with a total of 3 columns separated by tabs:

  1. sgRNA label
  2. PAM sequence
  3. Gene target



Sample FASTQ files may be compressed as tar.gz.

Run the following command:

mageck count -l <library_file> -n <output_label> --sample-label <comma,list,of,labels>  \
    --fastq <fastqFile1> <fastqFile2> … <fastqFileN>

The outputs will be contained in the current working directory unless a different path is specified in the output label, e.g. <path/to/label>. All output files will start with the label, and include count summary R files, a count summary text file, the raw counts file and normalized counts file.

Running MAGeCK to test sgRNAs for differential expression between conditions

This step can be run from a counts file, as long as the counts file matches the output format from the previous alignment step, which is typically a tab-delimited text format with sgRNA, gene, and sample labels. Example:

sgRNA     Gene      LX  CTRL
s_47512   RNF111    1   0
s_24835   HCFC1R1   1   0
s_14784   CYP4B1    4   0
s_51146   SLC18A1   1   0
s_58960   TRIM5     1   0
s_48256   RPRD2     1   0
s_30297   KRTAP5-5  1   0
s_14555   CYB5B     1   0
s_39959   PAAF1     1   1

After identifying the counts file, run the command:

mageck test -k <countFile.txt> -t <TreatmentSampleLabel> -c <ControlSampleLabel> -n <output_label>

The treatment and control labels need to match the labels used in the counts file; in the example above, the treatment label is LX and the control label is CTRL. It is strongly recommended to make the output label different from the one used for the counts file.

The output files generated include <output_label>.gene_summary.txt and <output_label>.sgrna_summary.txt. The sgRNA summary table contains the sgRNA ID, the target gene, and p-values for each sgRNA for positive or negative expression. The gene summary contains similar data, but also evaluates the cumulative effects of the sgRNAs targeting the same gene.

Running MAGeCK to test sgRNA targets for essentiality using MLE

MAGeCK can use a maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) model to determine how essential genes are for a survival study. This code uses a raw counts file, which can also be a comma-separated value (CSV) file, and a design matrix file. A sample design matrix file is shown here:

HL60.Initial  1         0                                   0
KBM7.initial  1         0                                   0    1         1                                   0    1         0                                   1

The baseline needs to be set at 1 for all samples. Each sample then has a single baseline and a flag for a different stage to be evaluated against the baseline.

The command to run the MLE for essentiality is:

mageck mle -k <counts_file> -d <design_matrix.txt> -n <output_label>

The command returns a sgRNA summary and a gene summary. The sgRNA summary includes an estimate of gRNA efficiency. The gene summary is more detailed and contains additional information. The main addition is the inclusion of the beta score, which indicates the direction of selection for a gene (positive beta scores are associated with positive selection). These statistics are calculated for each gene and each comparison listed in the columns of the design matrix.

More complex designs are described here:

Running BAGEL for gene essentiality

BAGEL requires two steps, starting from a counts file. The authors recommended using MAGeCK to create the counts file, or possibly Bowtie1 or Bowtie2. The fold change file can be created using the following command:

python fc -i <counts_file.txt> -o <outputFileLabel> -c <controlLabel>

The resulting fold change file, with the label .foldchange, is not as detailed as the one provided by MAGeCK, as it contains three columns:

s_47512	    RNF111	    0.265
s_24835	    HCFC1R1	    0.265
s_14784	    CYP4B1	    0.850
s_51146	    SLC18A1	    0.265
s_58960	    TRIM5		0.265
s_48256	    RPRD2		0.265
s_30297	    KRTAP5-5	0.265
s_14555	    CYB5B		0.265
s_39959	    PAAF1		0.002

BAGEL will also generate a normalized read count file, which I will be examining for consistency against the MAGeCK normalized read counts:

s_47512	4224.46	3515.93
s_24835	4224.46	3515.93
s_14784	6336.69	3515.93
s_51146	4224.46	3515.93
s_58960	4224.46	3515.93
s_48256	4224.46	3515.93
s_30297	4224.46	3515.93
s_14555	4224.46	3515.93
s_39959	4224.46	4219.11

The essential gene function calculates the log2 Bayes factor (BF) for each gene, through this command:

python bf -i <fold_change_file> -o <outputFileName> -e <essentialGeneList> -n <nonessentialGeneList> -c <whichColumnsToTest>

The essential and nonessential gene lists are used to train the dataset prior to running the Bayesian analysis and are provided by the BAGEL team within their directories as CEGv2.txt and NEGv1.txt, respectively. The columns to test are the numeric column IDs for the individual fold change comparisons and can be a comma-separated list to collapse multiple replicates.

The resulting file contains Bayes factors for each gene, where positive BFs indicate that the gene is essential:

TTLL6		-4.654
PAX3		-4.072
NEURL4	    3.122
TRA2B		3.104
ZNF506	    -3.364
ZMYM3		-3.326
PSMB8		-3.041
PLEKHG5	    -3.671
NUP98		-3.048
MCOLN3	    -3.671

The Bayes factors can then be inserted into a precision-recall curve to evaluate accuracy, using the essential and nonessential genes as the values.

python pr -i <bf_file> -o <output_pr_fileName> -e <essentialGeneList> -n <nonessentialGeneList>

The output is a file with precision and recall, which can then be used as graphical inputs.

Gene		BF		    Recall	    Precision	FDR
NEURL4	    3.122		0.000		1.000		0.000
TRA2B		3.104		0.000		1.000		0.000
ST8SIA4	    2.855		0.000		1.000		0.000
RUFY3		2.805		0.000		1.000		0.000
FABP3		2.629		0.000		1.000		0.000
PPAP2C	    2.593		0.000		1.000		0.000
TMPRSS11E	2.440		0.000		1.000		0.000
ZNF611	    2.090		0.000		1.000		0.000
TNFSF12	    2.067		0.000		1.000		0.000

More details are included tutorial in the BAGEL directory: BAGEL-v2-tutorial.html.

Running drugZ

drugZ is another program created by the Hart group at UToronto. The primary goal of drugZ is to evaluate the difference in sgRNA counts and if the targeted gene operates synergistically with the drug being tested or suppresses its effects. The base command is as follows:

python -i <countsFile> -r <genesToRemove> -c <controlLabels> -x <experimentalDrugLabels> -o <outputFileName> --half_window_size=<num>

The counts file can contain multiple replicates and can indicate paired (default) or unpaired experiments (addressed by using the --paired flag with TRUE or FALSE). A sample file is shown here (with the header row flowing to the next line):

sgRNA                     Gene  T0  T15_A_control T15_B_control T15_C_control T15_A_olaparib  T15_B_olaparib  T15_C_olaparib
A1BG_CACCTTCGAGCTGCTGCGCG A1BG  313 235            47           337           428             115             340
A1BG_AAGAGCGCCTCGGTCCCAGC A1BG  99  8              1            13            26              5               28
A1BG_TGGACTTCCAGCTACGGCGC A1BG  650 336            74           185           392             193             304
A1BG_CACTGGCGCCATCGAGAGCC A1BG  718 192            34           296           178             69              185
A1BG_GCTCGGGCTTGTCCACAGGA A1BG  180 230            29           122           394             148             364
A1BG_CAAGAGAAAGACCACGAGCA A1BG  428 300            158          294           366             184             489
A1CF_CGTGGCTATTTGGCATACAC A1CF  677 452            74           423           585             446             434
A1CF_GGTATACTCTCCTTGCAGCA A1CF  138 69             43           109           96              184             127
A1CF_GACATGGTATTGCAGTAGAC A1CF  396 183            38           106           193             120             198

The genes to remove, as shown in the example in the tutorial, include LacZ, luciferase, and EGFR and are input as comma-separated list (e.g. LacZ,luciferase,EGFR). The controls and experimental samples should match the column headers and be input as a comma separated list as well (e.g. -c T15_A_control,T15_B_control,T15_C_control). The half_window_size is the width of the variance window (how many sgRNAs used to calculate variance at any given time) and is set at a default value of 500, but can be adjusted to match dataset size; the recommendation is to make this value the “size of the first bin and half the size of the initial window.” There is also the option to include a fold change text file, if desired.

The outputs are in a single text file:

GENE	sumZ	numObs	normZ	pval_synth	rank_synth	fdr_synth	pval_supp	rank_supp	fdr_supp
A1CF	1.64	9		-1.00	0.159		1		0.317		0.841		2		0.841
A1BG	3.10	18		1.00	0.841		2		0.841		0.159		1		0.317

The values include the total Z-score for the individual genes, the number of observations, the normalized Z-score, and significance statistics for the gene for either synergistic synthetic lethality (synth) or suppressive (supp) effects.

More details are included in the tutorial in the directory: drugZ_in_jupyter_notebook_tutorial.html







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