Releases: wonday/react-native-pdf
- Fixed: Add missing 'enableDoubleTapZoom' to fabric codegen source (#832)
- Fixed: added missing 'scrollEnabled' prop (#842)
- Fixed: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Tried to access a JS module before the React instance was fully set up (#840)
- Fixed: an issue that crashes when cancel is not present (#852)
- Added: add load method (#861)
- Fixed: encoded accented character is decoded incorrectly (#873)
- Fixed: enableDoubleTapZoom bugfix
What's Changed
- add an option for disabling double tap by @tobyt42 in #797
- Update react-native-pdf.podspec by @WoLewicki in #803
- Update AndroidPdfViewer library by @zacharee in #821
- Add progressContainerStyle to props by @janwiebe-jump in #814
- fix:package name missing pod install error by @zaferatli in #788
- Fix app crash with this.lastRNBFTask.cancel is not a function by @htgabriel in #827
- Remove @OverRide in to fix 'no matching methods to override' error by @ong-palo in #822
New Contributors
- @tobyt42 made their first contribution in #797
- @zacharee made their first contribution in #821
- @janwiebe-jump made their first contribution in #814
- @zaferatli made their first contribution in #788
- @htgabriel made their first contribution in #827
- @ong-palo made their first contribution in #822
Full Changelog: v6.7.1...v6.7.5
Fixed: fix ios project setting
Fixed: fix typo in RNPDFPdfViewManagerInterface interface causing android build error
Fixed: fix(iOS): center page at tap point after double tap to zoom
Fixed: add PDFKit to podspec to make ios compile
Improved: Update build.gradle to support RN 0.71 on new arch
Fixed: fix some small bugs and documents.
Remove sample for reducing NPM package size
Add support for setting a filename for the cached pdf file
Use react-native-blob-util instead of rn-fetch-blob
Add blob support
remove progress-view dependency
Add windows support
Fixed some bugs
Fixed incorrect type of onPageSingleTap and onScaleChanged argument
Fixed included missing setPage method in TypeScript and Flow types
fixed Xcode 12 compatibility