Changes since 5.4.22
- ⬆️ Vanilla WordPress 5.5.3
- PHP:
- ⬆️ Updated to 7.4.12, 7.3.24
- ⭐️ Composer 2.0. Also, now you have permissions reinstall or update composer
- 😱 Redis extension major update from 4.3.0 to 5.3.2
- 🐞 Bugfix: pcov extension was enabled by default, now disabled, this caused recent issues with NewRelic monitoring
- 🐞 Bugfix: missing
prevented from using preloading in PHP 7.4 wodby/php#120 - ⬆️ Xdebug 2.9.8
- 🦴 Added env vars for sqlsrv extension runtime configuration wodby/php#124
- 📦 Added mariadb-connector-c package wodby/php#122
- ⬆️ Nginx 1.19.4
- ⬆️ MariaDB 10.5.8, 10.4.17, 10.3.27, 10.2.36
- ⬆️ PostgreSQL 12.5, 11.10, 10.15, 9.6.20, 9.5.24
- ⬆️ Varnish 6.0.7
- ⬆️ Solr 8.7.0
- ⬆️ Redis 6.0.9, 5.0.10
- ⬆️ Node.js 14.15.1, 12.19.1, 10.23.0
- ⬆️ Elasticsearch, Kibana 7.10.0, 6.8.13
- ⬆️ Memcached 1.6.8
- ⬆️ AthenaPDF 2.16.0
- 🔃 Adminer, webgrind, xhprof viewer rebuilt against updated PHP image
- ⬆️ Base image Alpine Linux updated to 3.12.1
Update instructions
Update your .env