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Landscape-Level Ecological Inventory and Assessment (LLEIA) Database


This project was initiated in order to facilitate the storage and manipulation of ecological monitoring data collected in shrublands and grasslands by various federal, state, and private entities in the United States.

More specifically, it is an effort to commonly house the Bureau of Land Management's (BLM) Assessment, Inventory and Monitoring (AIM) data, as well as U.S Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service's (NRCS) National Resources Inventory (NRI) Grazing Land data, both of which are used to collect ecological related data in non-forested areas across the US.


This project allows users to create a spatially enabled enterprise database (Postgres/PostGIS) with schemas for both USDA Agricultural Resource Service (ARS) Jornada's Database for Inventory Monitoring and Assessment (DIMA) and NRI Grazing Land databases. It then converts and combines data from both of these schemas into a third schema which naively houses both data types for those methodologies that overlap and are similar enough to warrant a shared schema.

Database Functionality

  1. Spatially enabled PostGIS database.
  2. Robust design with appropriate primary/foreign keys as a check against orphaned records and other quality control issues.
  3. Imported data are tied to specific database keys, which can be deleted from the database to cause the deletion of associated import records, giving the user direct control of database content.
  4. Custom views to quickly give access to common data needs.

Additional Project Features

This project also provides a number of data manipulation scripts to summarize raw monitoring data in various ways, by species, and user defined indicators. The following calculations are currently available via lpi_calc.R:

  1. Line-point intercept (cover)
  2. Percent dead (cover)
  3. Vegetation height


The following software will be needed to use this project.

  1. PostgreSQL installed (locally or remotely) with superuser access to the database.
  2. PostGIS installed along with the PostgreSQL installation.
  3. R >= 4.2 installed. Additionally the path to your bin folder within your R installation directory will need to be in your system's PATH in order to run Rscript globally from the command line. Depending on your installation, this may have been done by default.
  4. Optional. For importing MS Access databases into PostgreSQL. Either:
    • Microsoft Access Database Engine. Please note that your R version (32 vs. 64 bit) must match your Access Database Engine version.
    • mdbtools. The Access DB engine will be used if it is found however, for systems where the engine cannot be installed, use mdbtools instead. Check your *nix distribution for available packages of mdbtools or optionally compile it yourself. Note: mdbtools must be executable and in your PATH
  5. SpatiaLite libraries (libspatialite). Optional. Specifically needed is the mod_spatialite.dll or library compiled with its location in your system's PATH. This is only necessary when importing or exporting to and from SpatiaLite databases.
  6. parsesql library installed as an R package (See #Installing in the parsesql README file). 7. Various R libraries are also needed, which are listed at the beginning of each script and can be installed with the install_libs script Rscript install_libs.R.


Download the code base manually or using Git

git clone


Functionality is provided via command line usage of Rscript, located in the bin sub-folder of your R installation. In Linux this is typically your shell (Bash, Zsh, etc.), for Mac this is likely Zsh (Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal), and for MS Windows this is typically PowerShell.exe or CMD.exe (Search -> PowerShell). Alternatively, users can call functions directly from the R command line if the the code is called with source().

** UPDATE: ** While intitially this project was also packaged as an R package, this was reversed due primarily to the nature of the database creation/data loading and how the spatial data and metadata is stored within the project. Since generally users would be making single function calls anyway, packaging support was dropped to maintain simplicity. Sourcing the functions manually with source() is recommended for users who want finer grained control of script function.

Database Creation

Database creation is accomplished through the create_db.R script or directly in R via the create.lleiadb function if sourcing the file. The command line arguments and options which this script can accept can be seen by running:

Rscript create_db.R -h

Example usage:

Rscript create_db.R database_name database_user

Database user (database_user) must already be present in the postgres server, but if database_name is not found, the script attempts to create it by connecting to the user's default database with the password provided. This can be accomplished with a new install of postgres by setting database_user=postgres. If no password is provided, the user will be asked for it interactively.

Loading Data

Database loading is accomplished through the import.R script or directly in R via the function if sourcing the file. The command line arguments and options which this script can accept can be seen by running:

Rscript import.R -h

Example usage:

Rscript import.R --key some_unique_code --desc "My Project YYYY-YYYY"
database_name database_user /path/to/source_database

Currently, a variety of formats are allowed for source_database, including MS Access (.mdb, .accdb), ESRI File Geodatabase (.gdb), or SQLite/SpatialLite (.sqlite, .db) databases. Tables that are present in all three schema (dima, lmf, eco) will be scanned for in the source_database and data in matching fields will be imported to the relevant table in LLEIA.

Exporting Data

Schema exporting to an SQLite/SpatiaLite database is accomplished through the export.R script or directly in R via the function. The command line arguments and options which this script can accept can be seen by running:

Rscript export.R -h

Example usage:

Rscript export.R --schema eco database_name database_user

If the schema contains spatial data (currently only the eco schema), a SpatiaLite database will be created, otherwise a standard SQLite database will be created. The will export an entire schema.

** NOTE: ** Currently only exporting the eco schema is supported. Exporting other schema, as well as other individual loaded databases is planned for future work.

Accessing Data

After data have been imported, they can be viewed within their individual schema in LLEIA. For instance, if a DIMA database was imported, its data will be located in the dima schema, within the same table name as the source. Data can be referenced back to their database of origin using the db table available in each schema. Removing or updating a record from a db table will cascade that update/delete throughout the rest of the database (mostly). This provides a convenient way to remove data contained in one source database if a user needs to.


The dima schema operates differently (experimentally) in which site, line and plot keys from loaded data are kept track of in special tables called db_site, db_plot, and db_line (shim tables). These shim tables may contain duplicate site/plot/line keys tied to specific database, and utilize triggers to control the deletion of the main records in tblSites, tblPlots, and tblLines (collective tables) when a specific key is no longer found in a table shim table. Moreover, individual header tables (e.g. tblLPIHeader, tblGapHeader, etc.) are directly tied to the shim tables, allowing users to delete or update data from specific database sources without deleting or altering the data in the collective tables, which may be shared across multiple DIMA imports.

This design decision was made due to the nature of DIMA as a primary collection database, where multiple individual DIMAs may share the collective table keys. Users may want to delete or update date from a specific database that shares the same collective keys as other DIMA databases. The shim tables allow this functionality.

Additionally, the dima schema has special tables (tblSpecies, tblSpeciesGeneric, tblEcolSites), which may have similar data across multiple DIMAs. These tables are initially populated at the time of LLEIA creation, and all subsequent data (within specific criteria) are then stored in tablename_delta versions of these tables. This setup allows for a specific version of these tables to be reconstructed for each source database, while limiting duplicate records to the extent possible. This may be helpful, for instance, if two DIMAs have different names and/or growth habits for species, different names for ecological site codes, or different identifying data stored for generic species codes.


For viewing all data from all schemas simultaneously, materialized views have been created in the public schema which transform data from the dima and lmf schemas into the eco schema format and stores them along with eco schema data into a single table for viewing. This allows users to process any data from any data source with the same algorithm, regardless of its schema source. This is the primary way data are intended to be accessed in LLEIA, though there are many individual tables in the dima schema which have no counterpart in either the lmf or eco schemas, for which users will have to access the dima schema directly. Geometry and timezone data from the dima and lmf schemas are also extracted for these materialized views, allowing the geometry of certain tables to be plotted with software relevant to PostGIS geometry (e.g. GIS software, R plotting, etc.)

Calculating Indicators

Indicator calculations at the plot/year level are available via native Postgres views and via Rscript. Summary at the plot and year level allows for multiple method instances to be calculated separately in the case of plot revisits, and it also allows transects that may have been collected at different days of the year to be aggregated into the same temporal group. The downside to this sort of aggregation is the loss of precise visit dates in the output data. For more date specific information, please consult the public.method_meta materialized views which contain the survey_date data.

Postgres Views

The following methodologies are currently calculated as PostgreSQL views.

Method Name View Name Summary Level
Gap intercept public.gap_plot plot, year
Line-point intercept public.pintercept_plot plot, year, species
Species richness/plant census public.plantcensus_plot plot, year, species
Plant density public.plantdensity_plot plot, year, species
Annual production public.production_plot plot, year, species
Shrub shape public.shrubshape_plot plot, year, species
Soil aggregate stability public.soilstability_plot plot, year, veg. type
Interpreting Indicators of Rangeland Health public.rangehealth_plot record (long to wide)

R Scripts

While SQL based views can provide quick and convenient access to species level data, a more customizable approach is achieved through R scripting. Currently, only the line-point intercept methodology has a script based calculator. This script calculator allows the user to specify custom indicators for output and gives them for multiple "hit types" (i.e. top, basal, any, etc.)

Users can export line-point intercept data by running the lpi_calc.R script or by utilizing the calc.lpi function in R directly:

Rscript lpi_calc.R -h

Example usage:

Rscript lpi_calc.R --outfile "path/to/outfile.csv" --indicators
"path/to/indicator/definitions.txt" database_name database_user

This script calculates indicator-level data at the unique plot and survey year level for each indicator in the indicators definitions file to a delimited or RDS file. A call to this script without the indicator definitions file will result in species level data being exported, where each species code is its own indicator. Users can construct their own indicators by using dplyr filter strings. Example indicator files in YAML format can be found in the indicators sub-folder. Examples of the tables (wide.csv and long.csv) that are used as the base tables for the filtering process used to create indicators are in the example sub-folder. Further information about what types of data each specific field name may contain can be found in the pintercept and plant subsections of the database metadata file.

Further simplification and widening of the data produced via the lpi_calc module can be produced through the lpi_convert.R script or by utilizing the function in R directly:

Rscript lpi_convert.R -h

Example usage:

Rscript lpi_convert.R  --cover "indicator_name1, any; indicator_name2, top;"
database_name database_user "/path/to/lpi_calc_output.csv"

Running this script will produce a spatial feature with one line per plot/survey_year easily viewed by applications which prefer wide format data (e.g. GIS applications). Each indicator mean and standard deviation are given their own field (wide format). Indicator string examples can be found in the examples sub-folder. The format of the output file will depend on the extension chosen and is guessed by st_write() in R's sf library and will depend on driver availability on a user's individual system. Common choices would be ESRI shapefile (.shp), OGC geopackage (.gpkg), or SpatiaLite (.sqlite). Indicator strings are constructed in the format of indicator_name1, hit_type1; indicator_name2, hit_type2. This string is parsed to select the appropriate fields for pivoting the data wider.

Database Structure and Documentation

Metadata documenting the database is available as an xml file in ISO 19110:2016 format. The metadata documents the eco and public schemas primarily, as neither the dima nor the lmf schema are maintained by the author.

Of the four schema in the database, each houses a different category of data.


Houses data natively found in Jornada's Database for Inventory, Monitoring & Assessment (currently version 5.5). This is distributed by the Jornada as an Microsoft Access database and can be downloaded here.


Houses data collected via the NRI Grazing Land schema, collected via the NRCS's CASI Windows Mobile application. NRI Grazing Land data that are collected on BLM land are jointly managed by the BLM and NRCS and are referred to as Landscape Monitoring Framework data.


The custom LLEIA schema. This schema was developed in order to store data not otherwise already found in a schema, and to handle data conversion from both LMF and DIMA databases.


This schema houses tables from other data sources, such as state and county data or NRCS PLANTS data. It also houses a set of materialized views which mirror the naming of tables in the eco schema. These materialized views follow the design of the eco schema, and contain data from all the other three schemas, converting as necessary for the dima and lmf schemas. These materialized views are designed to be an easy way to view data from all three data sources at once, and users can reference the eco schema metadata for a reference to what fields and data these materialized views contain.

This schema also contains a number of other views which source their data from the public schema, including a number of view which calculate method indicators at the plot/year/species level (for those methods that have plant species).

Entity Relationship Diagram

For a complete reference on what table and field relationships exist in the database, the user is encouraged to reference the SQL directly in sql folder. A somewhat simplified ERD is also made available in vector form here.


Wade Lieurance – [email protected]

Distributed under the GNU General Public License v3. See LICENSE for more information.


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