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@wkillerud wkillerud released this 28 Sep 08:49
· 57 commits to main since this release


  • All language features are now turned on by default for SCSS, Sass indented and CSS.
  • These settings have been removed:
    • somesass.scanImportedFiles
    • somesass.scannerDepth
    • somesass.suggestFunctionsInStringContextAfterSymbols
  • All other settings from previous versions are deprecated. See Migrating your settings below.
  • There is no longer a separate development export.
  • The --debug parameter has been removed.

All language features turned on by default

Version 1 of some-sass-language-server was meant to be used in addition to vscode-css-language-server. This made it more difficult to set up the language server in new editors, and was the cause of some odd edge cases.

To make it easier for language client maintainers, some-sass-language-server is now designed to be independent of vscode-css-language-server.

You can use Some Sass as the only language server for SCSS and Sass indented. You can also use Some Sass as a language server for CSS.

New features

  • some-sass-language-server can now be used as a language server for CSS in addition to the existing support for SCSS, Sass indented, Vue, Svelte and Astro.
  • You can configure all features on and off per syntax (CSS, SCSS and Sass indented). See the Settings documentation for details.
  • some-sass-language-server has a new --help output.
  • Get the current version with --version.
  • Change the log verbosity with --loglevel <level>.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in Go to definition that would sometimes match a symbol that started with the same characters as the one you were after.

Migrating your settings

Your existing settings will continue to work for a while, but support for them may be dropped from a future major versjon.

It's recommended you update your settings to these new names. Some of the older settings can now be set per syntax.

Old ID New ID
somesass.loadPaths somesass.workspace.loadPaths
somesass.scannerExclude somesass.workspace.exclude
somesass.suggestAllFromOpenDocument somesass.scss.completion.includeFromCurrentDocument
somesass.suggestionStyle somesass.scss.completion.mixinStyle
somesass.suggestFromUseOnly somesass.scss.completion.suggestFromUseOnly
somesass.triggerPropertyValueCompletion somesass.scss.completion.triggerPropertyValueCompletion

Settings that mimic the old behavior

Version 1 of some-sass-language-server was meant to be used in addition to vscode-css-language-server.

With 2.x you only need some-sass-language-server to get all features for CSS, SCSS and Sass indented. However, if you would like to keep using vscode-css-language-server, these are the settings you should use.

  // With these settings you can keep using vscode-css-language-server
  // if you would like to do that instead of using some-sass-language-server
  "somesass.css.codeAction.enabled": false,
  "somesass.css.colors.enabled": false,
  "somesass.css.completion.enabled": false,
  "somesass.css.definition.enabled": false,
  "somesass.css.diagnostics.enabled": false,
  "somesass.css.foldingRanges.enabled": false,
  "somesass.css.highlights.enabled": false,
  "somesass.css.hover.enabled": false,
  "somesass.css.links.enabled": false,
  "somesass.css.references.enabled": false,
  "somesass.css.rename.enabled": false,
  "somesass.css.selectionRanges.enabled": false,
  "somesass.css.signatureHelp.enabled": false,
  "somesass.css.workspaceSymbol.enabled": false,

  "somesass.scss.codeAction.enabled": false,
  "somesass.scss.colors.enabled": false,
  "somesass.scss.colors.includeFromCurrentDocument": false,
  "somesass.scss.completion.enabled": false,
  "somesass.scss.completion.css": false,
  "somesass.scss.completion.includeFromCurrentDocument": false,
  "somesass.scss.definition.enabled": false,
  "somesass.scss.diagnostics.enabled": false,
  "somesass.scss.diagnostics.lint.enabled": false,
  "somesass.scss.foldingRanges.enabled": false,
  "somesass.scss.highlights.enabled": false,
  "somesass.scss.hover.enabled": false,
  "somesass.scss.hover.documentation": false,
  "somesass.scss.links.enabled": false,
  "somesass.scss.references.enabled": false,
  "somesass.scss.rename.enabled": false,
  "somesass.scss.selectionRanges.enabled": false,
  "somesass.scss.signatureHelp.enabled": false,
  "somesass.scss.workspaceSymbol.enabled": false

Full Changelog:[email protected]@2.0.0