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testnet-3 (0.3.0) — The One With Reputation

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@aesedepece aesedepece released this 05 Jun 09:04
· 2603 commits to master since this release

Testnet-3 is live! This new major release includes many features that extremely enhance the Witnet Testnet in many ways and bring us closer than ever to the eventual release of the Witnet Mainnet late this year:

  • The Reputation Engine is already in place. This is one of the most important parts of the Witnet node, as it’s the one in charge of computing the reputation of every witness in the system, as well as their eligibility for solving data requests and producing new blocks in the chain.
  • We have segregated transactions by type inside blocks. This change has indeed a deeper transcendence that its may seem at first sight, as it will allow more efficient block validation (which translates to a smaller CPU and memory footprint) and will dramatically reduce the gas cost of validating Witnet transactions in Ethereum, which is one key point in the Witnet Bridge Interface.