feat: Implement Select
and Tooltip
3 errors
src/components/Select/WSelect.spec.ts > WSelect > renders properly:
Error: Snapshot `WSelect > renders properly 1` mismatched
- Expected
+ Received
- <div
- class="v-select vs--single vs--unsearchable language-selector"
+ <anonymous-stub
+ appendtobody="false"
+ autocomplete="off"
+ calculateposition="[Function]"
+ class="language-selector"
+ clearable="false"
+ clearsearchonblur="[Function]"
+ clearsearchonselect="true"
+ closeonselect="true"
+ components="[object Object]"
+ createoption="[Function]"
+ deselectfromdropdown="false"
- >
- <div
- aria-expanded="false"
- aria-label="Search for option"
- aria-owns="vs1__listbox"
- class="vs__dropdown-toggle"
- id="vs1__combobox"
- role="combobox"
- >
- <div
- class="vs__selected-options"
- >
- <span
- class="vs__selected"
- >
- <!--v-if-->
- English
- </span>
- <input
- aria-autocomplete="list"
- aria-controls="vs1__listbox"
- aria-labelledby="vs1__combobox"
- autocomplete="off"
- class="vs__search"
- readonly=""
- type="search"
- value=""
- />
- </div>
- <div
- class="vs__actions"
- >
- <button
- aria-label="Clear Selected"
- class="vs__clear"
- style="display: none;"
- title="Clear Selected"
- type="button"
- >
- <svg
- height="10"
- width="10"
- xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
- >
- <path
- d="M6.895455 5l2.842897-2.842898c.348864-.348863.348864-.914488 0-1.263636L9.106534.261648c-.348864-.348864-.914489-.348864-1.263636 0L5 3.104545 2.157102.261648c-.348863-.348864-.914488-.348864-1.263636 0L.261648.893466c-.348864.348864-.348864.914489 0 1.263636L3.104545 5 .261648 7.842898c-.348864.348863-.348864.914488 0 1.263636l.631818.631818c.348864.348864.914773.348864 1.263636 0L5 6.895455l2.842898 2.842897c.348863.348864.914772.348864 1.263636 0l.631818-.631818c.348864-.348864.348864-.914489 0-1.263636L6.895455 5z"
- />
- </svg>
- </button>
- <svg
- class="vs__open-indicator"
- height="10"
- role="presentation"
- width="14"
- xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
- >
- <path
- d="M9.211364 7.59931l4.48338-4.867229c.407008-.441854.407008-1.158247 0-1.60046l-.73712-.80023c-.407008-.441854-1.066904-.441854-1.474243 0L7 5.198617 2.51662.33139c-.407008-.441853-1.066904-.441853-1.474243 0l-.737121.80023c-.407008.441854-.407008 1.158248 0 1.600461l4.48338 4.867228L7 10l2.211364-2.40069z"
- />
- </svg>
- <div
- class="vs__spinner"
- style="display: none;"
- >
- Loading...
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <transition-stub
- appear="false"
- css="true"
- name="dropdown"
- persisted="false"
- >
- <ul
- id="vs1__listbox"
- role="listbox"
- style="display: none; visibility: hidden;"
- />
- </transition-stub>
- </div>
+ disabled="false"
+ dropdownshouldopen="[Function]"
+ filter="[Function]"
+ filterable="false"
+ filterby="[Function]"
+ getoptionkey="[Function]"
+ getoptionlabel="[Function]"
+ label="label"
+ mapkeydown="[Function]"
+ modelvalue="[object Object]"
+ multiple="false"
+ nodrop="false"
+ options="[object Object],[object Object]"
+ placeholder=""
+ pushtags="false"
+ reduce="[Function]"
+ resetonoptionschange="false"
+ searchable="false"
+ searchinputqueryselector="[type=search]"
+ selectable="[Function]"
+ selectonkeycodes="13"
+ selectontab="false"
+ taggable="false"
+ transition="dropdown"
+ uid="1"
+ />
❯ src/components/Select/WSelect.spec.ts:32:29
src/components/Select/WSelect.spec.ts > WSelect > renders properly an icon when provided:
Error: Snapshot `WSelect > renders properly an icon when provided 1` mismatched
- Expected
+ Received
- <div
- class="v-select vs--single vs--unsearchable language-selector"
+ <anonymous-stub
+ appendtobody="false"
+ autocomplete="off"
+ calculateposition="[Function]"
+ class="language-selector"
+ clearable="false"
+ clearsearchonblur="[Function]"
+ clearsearchonselect="true"
+ closeonselect="true"
+ components="[object Object]"
+ createoption="[Function]"
+ deselectfromdropdown="false"
- >
- <div
- aria-expanded="false"
- aria-label="Search for option"
- aria-owns="vs2__listbox"
- class="vs__dropdown-toggle"
- id="vs2__combobox"
- role="combobox"
- >
- <div
- class="vs__selected-options"
- >
- <span
- class="vs__selected"
- >
- <svg
- class="dropdown-items"
- fill="none"
- height="13"
- viewBox="0 0 12 13"
- width="12"
- xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
- >
- <path
- d="M11.17 6.39 5.89 9.44.61 12.48V.29l5.28 3.05z"
- fill="#00E2ED"
- />
- </svg>
- English
- </span>
- <input
- aria-autocomplete="list"
- aria-controls="vs2__listbox"
- aria-labelledby="vs2__combobox"
- autocomplete="off"
- class="vs__search"
- readonly=""
- type="search"
- value=""
- />
- </div>
- <div
- class="vs__actions"
- >
- <button
- aria-label="Clear Selected"
- class="vs__clear"
- style="display: none;"
- title="Clear Selected"
- type="button"
- >
- <svg
- height="10"
- width="10"
- xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
- >
- <path
- d="M6.895455 5l2.842897-2.842898c.348864-.348863.348864-.914488 0-1.263636L9.106534.261648c-.348864-.348864-.914489-.348864-1.263636 0L5 3.104545 2.157102.261648c-.348863-.348864-.914488-.348864-1.263636 0L.261648.893466c-.348864.348864-.348864.914489 0 1.263636L3.104545 5 .261648 7.842898c-.348864.348863-.348864.914488 0 1.263636l.631818.631818c.348864.348864.914773.348864 1.263636 0L5 6.895455l2.842898 2.842897c.348863.348864.914772.348864 1.263636 0l.631818-.631818c.348864-.348864.348864-.914489 0-1.263636L6.895455 5z"
- />
- </svg>
- </button>
- <svg
- class="vs__open-indicator"
- height="10"
- role="presentation"
- width="14"
- xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
- >
- <path
- d="M9.211364 7.59931l4.48338-4.867229c.407008-.441854.407008-1.158247 0-1.60046l-.73712-.80023c-.407008-.441854-1.066904-.441854-1.474243 0L7 5.198617 2.51662.33139c-.407008-.441853-1.066904-.441853-1.474243 0l-.737121.80023c-.407008.441854-.407008 1.158248 0 1.600461l4.48338 4.867228L7 10l2.211364-2.40069z"
- />
- </svg>
- <div
- class="vs__spinner"
- style="display: none;"
- >
- Loading...
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <transition-stub
- appear="false"
- css="true"
- name="dropdown"
- persisted="false"
- >
- <ul
- id="vs2__listbox"
- role="listbox"
- style="display: none; visibility: hidden;"
- />
- </transition-stub>
- </div>
+ disabled="false"
+ dropdownshouldopen="[Function]"
+ filter="[Function]"
+ filterable="false"
+ filterby="[Function]"
+ getoptionkey="[Function]"
+ getoptionlabel="[Function]"
+ label="label"
+ mapkeydown="[Function]"
+ modelvalue="[object Object]"
+ multiple="false"
+ nodrop="false"
+ options="[object Object],[object Object]"
+ placeholder=""
+ pushtags="false"
+ reduce="[Function]"
+ resetonoptionschange="false"
+ searchable="false"
+ searchinputqueryselector="[type=search]"
+ selectable="[Function]"
+ selectonkeyc
Process completed with exit code 1.