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WiseTime SQL Time Post Connector


The WiseTime SQL Post Time Connector connects WiseTime to SQL databases, and will automatically:

  • Record a new time registration in the Database, based on the provided Queries whenever a user posts time to WiseTime

In order to use the WiseTime SQL Post Time Connector, you will need a WiseTime Connect API key.


Configuration is done through environment variables. The following configuration options are required.

Environment Variable Description
API_KEY Your WiseTime Connect API Key
JDBC_URL The JDBC URL for your database
DB_USER Username to use to connect to the database
DB_PASSWORD Password to use to connect to the database
NARRATIVE_PATH Path to the narrative formatter template. This is used to provide information about posted time to be used on invoices.
TIME_POST_SQL_PATH Path to yaml file containing all required time posting queries
TAG_UPSERT_PATH The WiseTime tag upload folder, must be set to the same value as in your tag sync connector

The following configuration options are optional.

Environment Variable Description
CALLER_KEY The caller key that WiseTime should provide with post time webhook calls. The connector does not authenticate Webhook calls if not set.
DATA_DIR If set, the connector will use the directory as the location for storing data to keep track of the already posted time. By default, WiseTime Connector will create a temporary dir under /tmp as its data storage.
RECEIVE_POSTED_TIME If unset, this defaults to LONG_POLL: use long polling to fetch posted time. Optional parameters are WEBHOOK to start up a server to listen for posted time. DISABLED no handling for posted time
WEBHOOK_PORT The connector will listen to this port e.g. 8090, if RECEIVE_POSTED_TIME is set to WEBHOOK. Defaults to 8080.
LOG_LEVEL Define log level. Available values are: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR and OFF. Default is INFO.
TIMEZONE The timezone to use when posting time, e.g. Australia/Perth. Defaults to UTC.
NARRATIVE_INTERNAL_PATH Path to the internal narrative formatter template. This is optional and can be used to provide additional information about posted time for internal use
ACTIVITY_TYPE_MANDATORY Are activity types mandatory for posting time? Defaults to true

Post Time Queries

The queries for posting time are provided by a yaml file located in TIME_POST_SQL_PATH.

The yaml file must contain the following exactly the following 5 queries. See examples/time_post_sql.yaml for a complete example.


A query that executes successfully when the DB connection is healthy. Should not modify the database.


Should insert the posted time into the database. Should accept the following parameters and doesn't have a return value.

Parameter Description
:matterId Id of the matter to post to.
:userId Id of the user to attribute the time to.
:activityCode Activity code for the posted time.
:narrative Main narrative that can be used on invoices.
:narrativeInternal Optional, only set when NARRATIVE_INTERNAL_PATH is set. Additional information on the posted time for internal use.
:startTime Start time of the posted time. Uses the timezone set via TIMEZONE.
:durationSecs Total time worked in seconds.
:chargeableTimeSecs Billable time in seconds.


Should verify that a provided activity code exists in the database. Should a single row with arbitrary content if the code exists, or an empty set otherwise.

Parameter Description
:activityCode The activity code to verify.


Should return the matter id of the provided tag name. Should return a single row with a single value, or an empty set otherwise.

Parameter Description
:tagName The name of the tag to find.


Should return the user id of the provided login id or email. Should return a single row with a single value, or an empty set otherwise.

Parameter Description
:emailOrExternalId The email or external id of the user, as set up in Wisetime.

Running the WiseTime SQL Post Time Connector

The easiest way to run the SQL Post Time Connector is using Docker. Please see the example folder for an example docker-compose.yaml and other necessary configuration files.

If you are using RECEIVE_POSTED_TIME=WEBHOOK: Note that you need to define port forwarding in the docker run command (and similarly any docker-compose.yaml definition). If you set the webhook port other than default (8080) you must also add the WEBHOOK_PORT environment variable to match the docker ports definition.


To build a Docker image of the WiseTime SQL Post Time Connector, run:

make docker


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