Internal network honeypot for detecting if an attacker or insider threat scans your network for log4j CVE-2021-44228
This can be installed on a workstation or server, either by running the Python app/ script directly (you'll need python3, Flask, and Requests) or as a Docker container.
Configure config.ini
Important Note: This is a LOW-INTERACTION honeypot meant for internal active defense. It is not supposed to be vulnerable or let attackers get into anything.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip
pip install pipenv
pipenv install
pipenv run gunicorn
docker build -t honeypot .
docker run -p 80:8080 \
-v /dir/where/you/want/the/payloads:/honeypot/payloads \
-v /dir/where/you/want/the/logs/log.json:/honeypot/log.json \ # This is optional
docker build -t honeypot .
cp config.ini.dist config.ini
vim config.ini
docker run -p 80:8080 \
-v /dir/where/you/want/the/payloads:/honeypot/payloads \
-v /dir/where/you/want/the/logs/log.json:/honeypot/log.json \ # If you haven't disabled it...
-v $(pwd)/config.ini:/honeypot/config.ini \