This is the compiler for the TyTra Coordination Language, part of the TyTra flow for high-level FPGA programming. TyTraCL is a functional language, intended to express the dataflow of computations on vectors (arrays of fixed size) using map and fold.
The aim is to allow generation of variants of the program, calculate the cost and performance, and ultimately emit the TyTra-IR code to create the final HDL for the FPGA
For more details, please read the paper in docs
The essential prerequisites to build and cost programs with the TyTraCL compiler are:
- Working Haskell/Stack Installation
- Graphviz to explore the transformed AST Graph
Clone the repository or otherwise download a snapshot:
# `git clone` the repo
Build using stack
# stack build
Call the compiler binary, passing in a file path and one or more transformation names to apply.
$ stack exec bigbird-exe <input_file> [cleanup | autopar | inline]"
Example input programs are provided in ./test/hllExamples
The compiler is written in Haskell
- ghc >= 7.10 to compile
- Install the Haskell Stack