I converting this mess of bash scripts into an ansible install
after starting up my new/reformatted mac, I will airdrop my zipped ~/.ssh directory and api keys file to my new machine. this method is "acceptable" but creating new ssh keys and adding them to github and cloud services is the preferred method.
xcode-select --install
opens dialog to install command line tools (including make
and git
make install # installs homebrew and ansible
make run # runs ansible playbooks
make extensions # opens browser extension urls in brave browser
make gitssh # creates new ssh keys and adds them to github
- install homebrew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)"
- install ansible
brew install ansible
- run the playbooks
ansible-playbook ansible/main.yml -i "localhost,"
ansible-playbook ansible/macos.yml -i "localhost,"
- set global git configs
git config --global user.name "John Doe"
git config --global user.email [email protected]
- create a public ssh key & add it to ssh-agent
- log in to github, and add the newly created key
- install iterm2 profile
- import rectangle configs
- run
Makefile commandscursor-import-extensions
- add browswer extensions to brave browser
help list make commands
install install homebrew and apps
setup-homebrew install homebrew
setup-apps install apps
check run playbooks in check mode
run run playbooks normally
gitssh setup git ssh
extensions install browser extensions
cursor-export-extensions [cursor] export extensions
cursor-import-extensions [cursor] import extensions
cursor-show-keybindings [cursor] show keybindings
cursor-export-keybindings [cursor] export keybindings
cursor-import-keybindings [cursor] import keybindings
cursor [cursor] run import commands