My Eggdrop scripts. Check Wiki for more informations and examples.
- allbans.tcl - enhanced .bans command
- chanpeak.tcl - track channel peak
- findclones.tcl - detect clones
- idleevent.tcl - send message to idlers
- joinmsg.tcl - display on-join messages/invitations
- memo.tcl - channel knowledge database
- needhelp.tcl - botnet oping/inviting
- nicksuggest.tcl - display nick change suggestions
- pcc.tcl - public channel commands
- splitted.tcl - tracks splits and missing nicks
- topiclock.tcl - prevents from changing a channel topic
- topicresync.tcl - resynchronize topic after split
- topicupdate.tcl - update topic at midnight
- voiceall.tcl - voice (+) anyone joining a channel