Automated room reservation for Domi Station's members. Built and maintained during Fall '14 and Spring '15. Node/Express server running on Heroku.
- Clean natural language request form
- Form validation and error notifications
- Local storage for company and email fields
- Auto fill the current date for faster requests
- Check if room is available before proceeding
- Confirmation emails with Mandrill
- Full width loading bar that doesn't glitch
- Google calendar server to server (no user) authentication
- Utilization of
- Confirmation and error emails with Mandrill
- MongoDB storage for members and requests
- Dashboard showcasing database and light analytics
- Slight MVC framework
- server.js
- .env - gitignored
- package.json
- boot/
- index.js
- config.js
- routes.js
- app/
- controllers/
- dash.js
- snag.js
- models/
- db.js
- email.js
- calendar.js
- helpers/
- index.js
- views/
- dash.jade
- member.jade
- requests.jade
- footer.jade
- controllers/
- public/
- css/
- js/
- img/
- font/
- siteForm/
- form for squarespace site
- node.js installed
- npm installed
file is needed to connect to various services (Mandrill, GCal, etc.)
After forking this repo run the following
$ npm install
$ npm update
Then use any of the following to start the server
$ node server.js
$ foreman start
Heroku uses Foreman which uses the Procfile, info here
Head over to http://localhost:5000/dash
for the dashboard to make sure everything checks out.
If you are making changes to room reservations you can test it by opening up ./siteForm/index.html
and changing the ajax url to 'localhost:5000/room'.