This project contains the necessary resources to dockerize a symfony application using tools such as: nginx (Web server), traefik (HTTP Proxy), mariadb (database), PHP8 (language), docker (platform to containerize the app)
The project is structured as follows:
data: Volume used by application (optional)
spool: Volume used by application (optional)
nginx: Web Server dockerization
php80: Dockerization of php8.0
mariadb: Database dockerization
traefik: Trafik dockerization
.dockerignore: Prevent files from being added to the initial build context.
.env.dist: Environment variables
docker-compose.yml.dist: Contains the services that will be containerized by docker.
Makefile: Contains the list of aliases for docker and application commands.
- Documentation
The Makefile file will help us with the commands we need to carry out the installation of the application, but before we start, we are going to upload the services and the database.
cd traefik
Install and upload the image and the container of Traefik
docker-compose up -d --build
cd mariadb
Install and upload the image and database container
nano .env
# Database
# Traefik
# network name
With the following command you will create the docker network, copy the environment variable and copy the docker-compose.yml configuration, create the php and nginx images, upload the web server and php containers
make build
Create symfony application from php container
make app-create
The application has been created in a directory with the name we gave the app, in this case it is located in ./app/symphony540_test. What we must do is move the app to the main directory, which would be ./app
Get into the container
make ssh-be
Move the app files
mv symphony540_test/* .
mv symphony540_test/.env .
mv symphony540_test/.gitignore .
Remove directory symphony540_test
rm -rf symphony540_test
Register in the operating system host the host name that we gave to the app in traefik, this name was set in the environment variable. In this case it is api.symfony.local
After set the hostname, then, go to your browser and type: http://api.symfony.local
If all is OK, you should see the Symfony 5.4 welcome page.