if you have github desktop, you should use that. if not, vscode has the ability to link to your github account
you can not push to main. you can only push to the branch and pull request for it to affect the main branch
This allows you to have the most recent version of the code
Commit your code with good comments
After you commit, you have to do a pull request for it to be able to merge with the main branch
This is how it can be added the main without causing issues
It has a sprite object that allows of easy movement and collision physics
It has a group object where you can add sprites to it and modify all of the sprites at once
It has the ability to use spritesheets to create animations
it has special input variables for keys and mouse input
It has the ability to have gravity, drag, friction, collisions, and much more
It has the abiltiy to load and play sounds on events