:: aisthesis (αἴσθησις) ::
sensation, perception, as an opposite of intellection (noesis), understanding and pure thought; more loosely – any awareness; for Plato, some aistheseis have names, such as sights, sounds, smells, cold and heat, distress, pleasures, fears, but nameless aistheseis are countless (Theaet.156b); for Plotinus, perceptions in this world are dim intellections (noeseis), and intellections in the noetic world are vived perceptions; Philo of Alexandria postulates an Idea of aisthesis, along with an Idea of nous, in the Intellect of God (Leg.Alleg.I.21-27).
this repository holds algorave code, research, collabs, resources et cetera.
- foxdot: audio synthesis and sampling using python
- sonic pi: audio synthesis and sampling using ruby
- kodelife: shader editor using opengl shading language
- processing: toolkit for creative coding